Sunday, October 29, 2023

When Progressives Do What They Accuse Conservatives of Doing

So, there has been yet another tragic mass shooting, this time in Lewiston, Maine, and people are falling all over themselves to exploit the tragedy for their political agenda. As is typical, the anti-gunner lobby has eagerly used the bodies of the dead victims to push for disarming responsible Americans, furthering their objective of making it harder for regular folks to defend themselves.

Yet, the shooting has also elicited a rather braindead take coming from a Portland City Councilor named Victoria Pelletier, who gleefully used the tragedy to brand all white people as violent. In a post on Instagram, Pelletier, described the shooting as an act of “white violence,” and claimed that “we see this type of angry, violent, whiteness every single day.”

In essence, she was using the actions of the shooter to paint white men as “violent” and “angry.”

As the statements begin to roll out, make sure you peep which one of your representatives actually calls this what it is: an act of violent, white nationalism and domestic terrorism.

This isn't a 'senseless tragedy', this is a targeted, intentional act of white violence that we see regularly in this country. We are no stranger to angry white men with guns. This happens all the time, and will continue to happen all the time.

Most of our federal delegation has been in power since I was in elementary school - if they wanted to enact gun laws, they would, but they likely never will because the institution of government benefits from this type of sanctioned violence.

We see it with the nazi marches and the push for Maine to become a white ethno-state. We see it with policing and public safety. We see it with the criminalization of homelessness and racist, xenophobic rhetoric towards our marginalized groups. We see this type of angry, violent whiteness every single day.

I am so exhausted by the need to identify a motive. "He lost his job" "He was getting a divorce" "He had issues with mental health" etc ec (sic) etc.

The motive is he's white, he has a gun, and he can enact terror and violence on innocent people because the world has awarded him the privilege to do so.

It is difficult, nay, nearly impossible, to find a display of hypocrisy more glaring than Pelletier’s statements, which are shared by many on the fringe left. These are the same people who will complain about members of the media – especially conservatives – who portray most black men as violent brd on the actions of a small percentage of the black population.

Yet, when there is a mass shooting perpetrated by a white male, folks like Pelletier relish the opportunity to pretend that this is indicative of some murderous traits that white folks innately possess – never mind the fact that the vast majority of whites do not engage in this behavior, or anything like it. In perpetuating these tropes, these people constantly show they are no better than those who stereotype blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and other ethnicities. Indeed, they are the same people, just on the opposite side of the coin.

This story is yet another showing that progressives are not serious people – especially when it comes to the issues they claim to care about the most. Indeed, when it comes to racism and other forms of bigotry, these people are quick to signal their virtue in lofty, self-righteous posts on social media. But in essence, they care nothing for displaying bigotry against whites and other demographics when it suits their purposes.

As I have said many times, progressives do not view bigotry as a societal problem to be solved, but as a political cudgel to be weaponized against their political opposition – nothing more, nothing less. This is why you see so many far leftists who are more obsessed with white people than they are about empowering black Americans and other demographics. It is all part of the con job these people seek to pull on the rest of the nation. Unfortunately, in many ways, it is succeeding.