Sunday, October 29, 2023

Well Son Of A Bitch....

Sunlit7 op

 Finally, some solid proof on who is pushing the buttons behind the scenes. It's not Obama, nor Trump as speculated on a couple news sites. According to a recent statement made by Fox News host Laura Ingraham it's none other than the originator of the diabolical covid scheme, Mr George Bush.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate leadership had lunch with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of the George W. Bush administration and "walked away with a firm commitment to all of these projects being connected together," Ingraham said. 

Now we can coalesce on whether Condoleezza is working behind the scenes with the current administration on behalf of Obama or Biden but that just doesn't fall within the established party lines. It's much more likely that Condoleezza meeting with republicans leaders are doing so on behest of the man who set this whole chain of events into action. He's the head honcho calling the shots on behalf of republicans. Bush, aligned with democrats are in on it to reset the world governance to a global standard. Now it makes sense why Paxton won in court. Somehow the chain had to be broken. There's always going to be an answer. I don't know how many times I've said that. Bush, being in oil, has bigger prospects on the horizon as much as anyone else in the transition of our energy supplies.

Just as I've speculated these hearings on Trump inflating the value of his properties may just be the planned out from underneath a business empire that was costing him millions of dollars a year in losses. Logically why would you hold on to a losing proposition. So it could drain all the newfound gains of billions? Trump's own CEO of Trump properties left from the job stating he was doing so because the Trump family was moving into new investments. There always has to be a reason and that reason couldn't be I lied to all of you that I wasn't beholding to anybody, in fact I was beholding to everybody and was a paper billionaire. I never had one hundred million to run my own campaign, I had to borrow it. I am not saying he wants an out on the entire hospitality business, just the ones creating a huge drain on his empire. New York for him was pretty much a wrap.

We'll just keep plugging along putting all the pieces of the puzzle together until they fit. Why Bolton was brough back in, why McMasters was brought back in, Obama to strain race relations of all kinds and a man to set it all off who'd suffered the loss of his entire empire unable to jump through the hoops required to keep it afloat during a shut down. An indebted man at that, he had four hundred and eighty five million reasons to do it.

This brings us about face to the Bush doctrine that the China model was the righ model all along. See how we are going full circle back to the beginning, only this time it's not just going to be the middle east, not if we are following the China model.

Laura couldn't have put it better:

"We’re back to the axis of evil," Ingraham said, appearing to refer to former President George W. Bush’s phrase in his 2002 State of the Union address.

Bush, Obama and Trump, the new axis of evil.

Links to the information in the post can be seen at it's orignally posting here:

Well Son Of A Bitch.... — Hive