Saturday, October 7, 2023

Trump: So You Have To Ask Yourself, "What Is This All About?"

Sunlit7 op

 Recently going through some of the stuff they claim they have documented in the Trump financial dealings in New York after a judge made a ruling against Trump it reminded of me things he was quoted as saying during the early part of the pandemic. In one recording Forbes magazine turned over to the investigators Trump is heard arguing with reporters over how much he was going to make that year on one of his buildings. The conversation entailed what the square footage was, what he owed verses what he'd take in, etc. When he got to the point where he said "give me a break" it reminded me of when he said "We've never closed down the country before for the flu, so you have to ask yourself what is this all about".

Well what's this all about is about you trying to inflate your financials, a common tactic they claimed he used to inflate his own net worth by getting Forbes to publish articles in his favor when he was seeking loans. It's been pretty well established by now that Trump entering the white house was four hundred and eighty five million in the hole. It was deferred until he left office. You can't be four hundred eighty five million in the hole and have one hundred million to run your campaign that would allow him to run beholding to no one as he claimed. It was an outright lie. Just like his claim about shutting down the country claiming it was the flu. He made that claim on March 24, 2020 but by March 29, 2020 he was stating "unfortunately the enemy is death. It's death. A lot of people are dying, so it's very unpleasant" to on March 30, 2020 he outright states "it's not the flu, it's vicious".

Not that he was holding back any prior to that. On March 15, 2020 he was telling people how contagious the virus was. "It's incredible. But it's something that we have tremendous control over." March 17, 2020 he said he knew it was going to be a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic. "I felt like it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic". In September of 2020 he was telling Bob Woodward in an interview it was more deadly than even your strenuous flu. "It's more deadly than even your strenuous flu, this is deadly stuff". At that point his motivation was for the upcoming vaccines but in the earlier statements if you ask yourself "what was that all about?", the answer lays in the number of projected deaths and that promised beautiful Easter Sunday reopening. He was trying to play both sides of the fence, appeasing those demanding a reopening of the economy while trying to reach his projected death quoted by spreading fear as to why we were still shut down.

On March 24, 2020 he stated "I'm also hopeful to have Americans working again by that Easter, that beautiful Easter day." Same as he did in the Forbes interview he tries to pass off the reporters figures, as, basically, the same way he tried to blame Whitmore for her own ineptitude. “But the point is you’re so far off,” Trump countered, adding, “You’re going to look bad. And look, all I can say is Forbes is a bankrupt magazine that doesn’t know what they’re talking about, okay? That’s all I’m going to say. Because it’s embarrassing to me.” Back to the subject of Whitmore you can argue all day long about Whitmore, right now that's not the point being made here, the point being made is the passing of the buck of blame. He goes on, "I love Michigan, one of the reasons we are doing such a great job for them during this horrible pandemic. Yet your Governor Gretchen Whitmer is way in over her head, she doesn't have a clue. Likes blaming everyone for her own ineptitude." When that beautiful Easter Sunday came and we didn't open back up people were getting angry but Trump kept pushing the virus as more than just the flu by stating death tolls. April 19, 2020: "Now we're gong towards 50,000, I am hearing 60,000 people (dead from corona virus). On May 3, 2020 he told folks how many people they were projecting to die. "Look we're going to lose anywhere rom 75, 80 to 100,000 people." On May 5, 2020 he gives his own estimate: "I always felt 60, 65, 70, as horrible as that is. I mean we're talking about filling up Yankee Stadium with death! So I thought it was horrible. But it's probably going to be somewhat higher than that." On May 11, 2020 the US death toll reached 80,000 to which Trump proclaims, "We have met the moment and we have prevailed" By June he was in negotiations to bring Scott Atlas aboard to talk about the harms of lock downs, that lock downs actually increase the spread of the virus. Since Atlas was out on the talk circuit since February 2020 talking about his book on lockdown harms you, again, you have to ask yourself, "what is this all about?", because he could have brought him onboard to show just how inept Gretchen was being back in March.

His blame game doesn't stop there either, nor does his bragging of the death count. Once the death rate reaches 200,000 on Sept 21, 2020, he states, "We're rounding the corner, with or without the vaccine. They hate it when I say that but that's the way it is, we've done a phenomenal job. Not just a good job but a phenomenal job." Sept 23, 2020 he tells everyone we're rounding the turn very much. "I think we're rounding the turn very much". By October 15, 2020 he is outright bragging about the death rate saying we're a winner on excess deaths. "Excess mortality, we're a winner on the excess mortality. And what we've done has been amazing and we have done an amazing job, and it's rounding the corner, and we have vaccines coming and we have the therapies coming" while blaming China, which is true and the vast majority of people already knew, but again, looking at how it all played out, you have to ask yourself "what is this all about?". "It's China's fault, they allowed this to happen", he proclaimed. Given especially that during a Tucker Carlson interview a few months back he stated that he told Putin and Xi that he was going to do the nasty, if Putin went into Ukraine, which he already was or Xi invaded Hong Kong which after all these years is unlikely than "what is this all about" is an important point to ponder giving his consistency to passing the buck.

If we look back over his claim of doing a phenomenal job with or without a vaccine and them hating it, when he says that it sort of leads to a analogy that they are one and the same in terms of death. If one didn't do it the other would otherwise why would people hate it when he says that. If he was talking about a phenomenal job in a good way how could anyone hate on that. Instead of a phenomenal job it begins to sound more like a double jeopardy which actually appears to be playing out. There wasn't anything significant enough going on except his constant bragging about deaths during that time. But here's a significant oddity in comparison, that after declaring that they were going to insist on the safety of the vaccines to be 100%, "The safety has to be 100% and we're going to insist on that and the companies are going to insist on that also", did anyone notice him play the blame game or pass the buck onto J&J when the vaccine was confirmed harmful?No, he continues on about the vaccines like they were god's gift to coffin makers. Again, you have to ask yourself "what is this all about?". The only real difference is J&J guy has more cash like nobody's got cash. Just like the two billion dollars later Saudi's have cash, just ask Khashoggi, oh wait, you can't.

Trump can become indifferent to people based upon how beneficial it will play out for him. If it will work to his benefit his has no problem lying about it. Trump comes out of court the other day and announces that the dismissal by a judge of eighty percent of the case meant there was no case here. Everybody got paid, there's no crime involved here only to be met the next day with the judge announcing "If you were here for yesterdays excitement, welcome back. As I stated yesterday, the statue of limitation bars claims not evidence." If you were so innocent why would you feel compelled to put in a disclaimer. In another video he'd heard saying, "We have a clause in our financial statements that states buyer beware don't believe anything you read, if you believe anything you read, some people call it worthless clause because it makes the statement and anything you read in the statement worthless. You have to study the statement carefully, do not believe anything. Fact it' so strong that people read it and don't even accept it. Don't even use it. It's called a disclaimer clause, it's common, you put it in if you don't have time to do statement or even if you do have time people like to have, this is what's called a full disclaimer, we disclaim the financial statements but even with a full disclaimer, which immediately take you out of any fraud situation and litigation, but even when the attorney general found out about the disclaimer clause said that's okay lets go forward anyway for publicity, these are some corrupt people, we are dealing with the most corrupt people. We have a great company I built, a great company. It's got tremendous value of the greatest real estate assets in the world. Now I have to go before a rogue judge as blah, blah, blah, Russia, Russia, Russia, witch hunt, witch hunt, witch hunt." Barely taking a breath before making a claim that a property the judge said was worth less is fifty to one hundred times more than what the judge said it was worth. Remember though that statement comes with a strong disclaimer and you must be willing to not accept it. You also have to take it that everybody is out to get him and he is in no way out to get you, if you are not convinced just reread the disclaimer.