Thursday, October 12, 2023

There Is No Democrat Party

For all the heat I give many in the Republican Party for cosplaying like it's still the party of the 1980s, the Democrats are probably just as guilty, if not more so. It's just harder to see for many voters because the part dresses in modernity like an aging hipster still trying to look "hip" and "with it." 

And trust me, if there's one thing the Democrat Party knows about, it's age, given the fact that everyone in its geriatric leadership positions is on the threshold of becoming like every other person in their active voting base, dead.

But I digress. 

There was, at one time, a Democrat Party that was more center-left and at least had some semblance of care for the country and its people. They believed in a strong border and that there should be some stable moral fabric guiding our society. 

There are many Democrat voters who still hold onto that idea, but that is a massive mistake. That Democrat Party, the one they remember from long, long ago, is gone. This is a party of radicals, extremists, socialists, and communists. 

I don't think I need to go too far into explaining this truth. The Democrats are hardly shy about any of it. They created the border crisis and punished anyone who tried to stop it, flooded our streets with crime thanks to soft-on-crime policies and defunding police departments, collapsed our economy, spiked the price of groceries and gas, and even went so far as to introduce sex and sexuality to your children in public schools

The Democrats attempt to mask all of this with carefully crafted narratives, painting themselves as the champions of the oppressed, whether these oppressed people are the black community or women, which is hilarious given its dedication to the cause of transgenderism.

But it's pretty clear that what they're actually doing is tearing apart the very fabric of society, dividing the people, and using fear and loathing to garner power

But I don't think that any one example that the party has become a hive of political extremists quite like the reaction many have given to Israel's war with Hamas, a war that started because of a surprise attack on innocent people on Saturday that has claimed the lives of 1,000 and counting. 

The images and videos that have come out of Israel of the brutality and cruelty of the Hamas terrorist group have shocked and disturbed many. There can be no doubt that Hamas is an evil institution that represents the most vile and disgusting aspects of humanity. The stories of their atrocities, including kidnappings, and murder, also include butchering babies and burning people alive. 

There is no defense for Hamas...and yet, the left has tried to mount one. 

In the midst of these atrocities, anti-Israel protesters have come forth in celebration of the attacks innocent men, women, and children have suffered. They revel in blood and believe there should be more of it until Israel collapses entirely. They feel this should be accomplished by any means necessary, and that no amount of inhumane treatment and brutal murder is too far.

(READ: Anti-Israel Protesters Have No Moral Ground to Claim Now)

Oddly, these same people deny that the most horrific stories that come out of Israel are true. So which is it? Do they want them to happen or don't they? 

Whether or not these attacks are bad are easy questions to answer but members of America's own Democrat Party won't answer. As RedState has covered, Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was asked point black whether or not she condemns babies having their heads chopped off multiple times and she remained silent. Fellow squad-mate Ilhan Omar attempted to generate sympathy for Hamas by making it seem like Israel was the true aggressor in this fight. Cori Bush decided to advocate to end aid to Israel

As I write this, Tlaib has a Palestinian flag displayed outside her office door. It's a disgusting display, especially given Tlaib's silence on the atrocities committed in the name of Palestine. Rep. Steny Hoyer's response when asked about it? 

"I fly a Danish flag at my house." 

Two things. The Danish didn't conduct one of the bloodiest attacks on innocents in recent years, and this isn't his house, this is the Nation's Capital. Hoyer then tried to run defense for Tlaib's character, but at this point, there's no fooling anyone but those willing to be fooled. 

Sure, the Democrat Party officially stands with Israel and called comments from those like Tlaib "disgraceful," but this is the same party that did what it could to empower Hamas, and allowed them to conduct this attack in the first place

Democrats know that at this time it's pretty dangerous to be seen doing anything but supporting Israel, so the "both sides-ism" has been dropped...for now. 

But this is the Democrat Party. This is what it has devolved into. These are the radicals currently in positions of power. These aren't the Democrats of a few decades ago, these are the Democrats of tomorrow. 

Extremists in suits.