Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Left Would Grab Your Guns In a Minute If Patriots Stopped Defending the Constitution

Don't be fooled by the Left's 'gun violence prevention' tactic

The Left constantly reassures Americans that they do not want to take away firearms, but actions speak louder than words.

In September, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) used an emergency public health order to suspend the Second Amendment for 30 days in Albuquerque and the surrounding Bernalillo County. Grisham knew fully well that she was violating the Constitution (in fact, she happily admitted so). A handful of gun control advocates quickly condemned her unprecedented decision, but not because they respect the Constitution.

Wary conservatives know better. Grisham had accidentally showed the gun grabbers’ hand and revealed their true goal: Total disarmament.

Recall that President Joe Biden announced he was establishing a federal gun control office just two weeks later, part of the Left’s piecemeal assault on your Second Amendment rights.

Grisham’s great “sin” was placing Democrats in a precarious situation by jumping the gun (pun intended) and firing up patriots on the Right.

As of now, many Americans still believe gun control does not end in total disarmament. But if the last 99 years of gun control (since the codification of the National Firearms Act) have taught us anything, it is that the anti-gun lobby is never satisfied with gun policy.

The Left knows Americans understand the value of an armed populace, so now they work to trick Americans into “gun violence prevention” because the previous “gun control” lobby was failing. Make no mistake, they’re the same, and work towards the same goal of total disarmament—one just markets better to moderates.

The Left has failed to convince a majority of Americans that the Second Amendment is inherently bad, but “progressives” can pull on your heart strings and manipulate voters into supporting anti-2A laws framed as “safety” measures. If you can tie “gun violence” to public health, people might just go along with it in the belief that they’re working towards the common good.

The worst part, aside from numerous constitutional violations, is that they target firearms legally bought and responsibly carried, while using crime (due to their policies), mass shootings, and illegal firearms as the justification.

Grisham’s decision provides a glimpse into how Democrats view the Constitution. They simply disregard it, throw out a measure, wait for legal challenge, tie up the courts, and see where things go—all while telling Americans that their actions are for the good of the people.

If the “progressive” Left is actively telling Americans that the Constitution is a hindrance to their safety, how can we expect Americans to cherish and defend it? Well, we cannot, and they know this.

Any action that even slightly violates the Constitution is terrible for the American people, as it erodes the very fabric that patriots died to protect. A fabric, tied together with freedom and liberty, intended to provide a means of representative governance checked by citizen militias.

But the Left does not view the Constitution that way. They see a wall that must be reduced and eventually toppled to allow for full control. They actively seek a large, taxpayer funded government that “takes care” of its people. People who have no means of ensuring just laws and constitutional freedoms are protected because they no longer have the ability to fight against injustice.

Take it from Grisham, who announced that “no constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute”—a terrifying statement for any politician to make.

Grisham’s ridicule from the Left shows us that we are stronger than we believe. If Democrats thought they could move forward full-throttle in suspending the Second Amendment, they would’ve praised Grisham for boldness and courage. That they won’t is testament to the work of countless citizens and gun rights groups countering the Left’s lies.

The war is far from over, though. Many people are referring to “gun violence” as a public health emergency, and if the implications that only the federal government can suspend the Second Amendment come to fruition, it would not be too far to assume that they would use Biden’s gun control office to declare an emergency health order that suspends the Second Amendment.

Nevertheless, Second Amendment advocates have much to celebrate, including the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling against the gun control lobby in 2022 in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, which held that every American has the right to carry a firearm.

The high court ruled that any existing gun control law that is not tied to a historical tradition of firearm regulation in America is unconstitutional, abolishing highly restrictive gun laws across the country.

Don’t be fooled by this rebranding into “gun violence prevention.” These ideologues aim to “protect” you by using emergency public health orders to take away your constitutional rights. They do not care about genuine gun safety, but winning political victories.

We stand together as responsible gun owners knowing we decrease “gun violence” through vigilance and responsible action.