Sunday, October 8, 2023

Taliban Now Says They Want to Join in Hamas' Fight Against Israel

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Things may be about to deteriorate even more, and where the Biden team has led us is into a real mess. 

As we reported earlier, a horrific terrorist war by Hamas is underway against Israel and Iran is celebrating, calling it a "proud operation," chanting, "Death to Israel" and "Death to America."  

According to reports, now the Taliban have announced that they are asking Iran, Iraq, and Jordan for passage through to Israel to help Hamas continue its terrorism against the Jewish state. 

They state they intend to "conquer Jerusalem." 

So if we don't get the wider war out of Ukraine, it looks like it might come out of this mess. Imagine all the proxies and other people who are now going to be involved here. 

Not only that, but there's also some troubling news about another failure of the Biden team -- that there are weapons that were left behind in Afghanistan that have found their way to Gaza.  

Because the withdrawal from Afghanistan was such a debacle, there were all kinds of U.S. weapons left behind in Afghanistan after the pull-out. 

There was a report a few months ago that some of the weapons had made their way to Gaza. Who wants to guess whether they are now being employed against Israel? I'd say that's a pretty safe bet.  

US arms left in Afghanistan have been smuggled to the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, Sama News Agency reported on Friday.

The local Palestinian news agency disclosed that Newsweek reported an unnamed senior Israeli military official confirming: “Some of the small weapons seized in Afghanistan had been spotted in the hands of Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip.”

The Israeli military official raised concerns about the “dangers” of sending advanced US and Western arms, sent to Ukraine, to: “Israel’s enemies in the region, including in Iran.”

Not to mention that all kinds of weapons were pouring into Ukraine, which is full of corruption, and who knows where some of those are going as well. Once they get in the country, particularly the smaller weapons, what prevents them from being sold off? 

It's a recipe for disaster, and it's all on the head of Joe Biden, who made it possible with his failures and his coddling of the enemies of America. 

It's hard to imagine how we went from the relatively peaceful world that we had under former President Donald Trump -- with even more movement toward peace in the Middle East -- to what we have now with Biden, with war on multiple fronts, and more likely on the way as our enemies see how weak he is. 

But it's all because of the weak leader that we have in Biden. And our enemies know it. They know they may have limited time before he's likely to be out of office, so all the bad actors might take their shot now.