Friday, October 27, 2023

Sen. Grassley Details FBI HQ Running National Coverup Operation to Protect Biden Crime Family

First, as you are likely aware, the Senators and Committee heads/ranking members do little of the investigative effort themselves. This is where the value of exceptional staff comes into play, along with the background battle between a small group of congressional aides and assistants -vs- an army of Lawfare operatives. The battle to reveal truth takes place deep in the trenches of hidden government, and the only weapon on the side of the righteous is the ultimate weapon – the truth.

Second, again with a familiar approach, this letter is not penned to the recipient FBI Director Christopher Wray, in as much as it is an alarm sounded by Senator Grassley’s office to the larger American audience.  This is essentially Grassley saying to We The People, here’s the evidence of how inherently corrupt and politicized the FBI has become. The motive appears to be providing damaging information the media will avoid mentioning, discussing or outlining.

DC FBI Building, left – Main Justice DOJ Building, right. 

In summary of the 7-page letter, it describes a national effort by the FBI to cover up the activity of Hunter and Joe Biden’s illicit financial dealings.  Because the Biden family essentially operated a network of financial schemes that touched on multiple areas and interests, the activity itself was tracked by the FBI through a series of several dozen Confidential Human Sources (CHS’s) and informants in multiple jurisdictions throughout the U.S.

Because the various field offices and CHS/Informant networks were diverse and widespread, the DC FBI needed a control mechanism that would throw a bag over all the activity coast to coast.  The mechanism they chose was the familiar “Foreign Influence Disinformation” designation.  The FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force was the DC organization -an institutional tool per se’- used to block, impede and eliminate sunlight upon the information that was surfacing from multiple investigations of the Biden family.

Grassley walks through examples of how the central HQ of the FBI deployed the label of “disinformation” in order to get various field offices to discredit their own investigative tools, CHS’s and informants.   The way it worked would be central FBI command would label an investigative lead as “disinformation”, and that would throw a bag over the field office outcome.  The CHS’s and informants were then undermined, discredited and cut loose from the record keeping of the FBI.

Essentially, labeling the findings as foreign disinformation was the protective shield to remove the evidence of the Biden family activity.  This was done from Washington DC through the main FBI headquarters.  The downstream field offices were then shut down by administrative labeling, and the issues they uncovered were eliminated.   This is a familiar process to those who have followed the deep weeds of how the FBI operates.

The importance of the Grassley letter goes beyond Joe and Hunter Biden; it cuts to the heart of a system of corruption within the FBI that many Americans became familiar with in the aftermath of the FBI activity against Donald Trump in the Russiagate storyline.  The FBI is metastatically corrupt, with the origin of the cancer in Washington DC, and the efforts of the Foreign Influence Task Force becoming the method to spread the corrupt infection nationally.

The Grassley letter originates from information provided by whistleblowers inside the FBI who were subjected to having their investigations nulled by Washington DC.  Apparently, some of those who had time, effort and investigative resources dedicated to the honest investigation of the Biden family scheme, did not like seeing their investigations shut down simply because Christopher Wray and other politically active leaders in the DC command center of the FBI did not want the Biden family exposed.

This pattern of activity, the institutional preservation issue, is exactly what was noted in the previous Trump-Russia targeting effort.  Former AG Bill Barr and all of the officers and investigative officials therein, were also in alignment with this institutional preservation approach.  The FBI throwing a bag over the Biden corruption schemes, is yet another example of a decision to preserve a corrupt system rather than allowing the American public to see it, thereby running the risk of collapse.

I would strongly urge everyone to take the time to read the 7-page outline provided by Senator Grassley’s office, along with the investigative staff and resources of Senator Ron Johnson.  While they are unnamed, I am certain that I have personally met some of the people who put this outline together.

[Read Full 7-Page Report]

[…] “It is unclear how many confidential human sources, or how many of their reports, were categorized as disinformation by the Foreign Influence Task Force, but the whistleblower told Grassley that the FBI’s improper branding of the information as “disinformation” “caused investigative activity to cease.”

Margot Cleveland, Federalist 

Beyond the details, granular information, citations and evidence, what becomes crystal clear is that every root and branch of the FBI is now politically corrupt.  It is an institution now more akin to the Russian FSB than it is to a USA national investigative agency.   It simply cannot be reformed.

The U.S. Dept of Justice and FBI are now political institutions that have abandoned their originating mission in order to become the domestic equivalent of the Soviet-era FSB. Their joint targeting mechanisms have been redesigned to support the interests of corrupt DC politicians – specifically the interests of Democrats.  Grassley is giving specifics to what has been visible for years.

This is why and how the Fourth Branch of U.S. Government is now the superseding apparatus above all other branches.  {GO DEEP} This is why and how Barack Obama, John Brennan and Eric Holder created it, cemented it, and made it impervious to any effort to remove it.

The Fourth Branch of Government is evil Sauron, and Washington DC is Mordor. The corrupt media have aligned with it; they are preserving it; and the institutions in/around the DC system are self-aware, acting to support it and fully autonomous.

Additionally, to overlay their ability to monitor every single aspect of every life that might seek to challenge or destroy it, the end game of surveillance outlined by Edward Snowden is active.