Monday, October 30, 2023

Latest News About Gaza Aid Being Stolen Shows the Terrible Naïveté of Biden Team's Claims

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

While Joe Biden was visiting Israel, he announced that his priority was to get aid into Gaza. He barely spoke about the slaughtered and kidnapped Israelis and Americans. He announced that he was going to ship in $100 million in aid to Gaza and fixated on that and Ukraine.

While there has been no response from the U.S. for the killings and Americans are still being held hostage, Biden did make sure that aid was shipped into Gaza right away, despite the concerns about Hamas stealing it. 

How were they going to ensure it wasn't stolen? 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the Biden team had a "plan," and if it were stolen, they would be the "first to condemn it."

I'm sure that had Hamas shaking in their boots. 

Then came the statement from Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer. His remarks were even worse. According to Finer, they believe they can prevent Hamas from stealing the aid because they have an understanding with...wait for it...Hamas. 

But now comes word that thousands of people have broken into the UN warehouses in Gaza and stolen some of the aid. 

One of the warehouses, located in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza, is where UNRWA stores supplies delivered by humanitarian convoys crossing into Gaza from Egypt.

Footage from Khan Younis in southern Gaza showed men frantically carrying boxes and large bags out of a warehouse, hoisting them onto their shoulders or loading them onto their bicycles.

A lot of people I saw in the various videos are young men. Are they Hamas? So now where will the aid go? 

I wouldn't bet on the aid getting to those most in need. And if there is such a "need," why was there so much in the warehouse? People are painting it as people being desperate. But what this does show is that the aid isn't secure, just as people predicted.

So what does the Biden team have to say now? I could likely guess their response -- they're desperate, so let's ship in even more aid to be stolen without fixing any of the problems. 

As we reported, the war is expanding. But for Hamas, it pays for the situation to disintegrate. They don't care about the people, they use them as human shields and then blame Israel for their deaths.