Sunday, October 8, 2023

Judicial Watch Source: Biden Has ‘Mistreated,’ ‘Punched and Kicked His Dogs’

Joe Biden has allegedly mistreated his dogs by “punching and kicking” them, Judicial Watch reported on Thursday.

The accusation comes after Biden’s German Shepherd, Commander, was removed from the White House for attacking and  biting multiple Secret Service agents.  Commander is the second Biden canine to cause violent mayhem in the White House. The family’s previous dog, Major, was given away in December 2021 after a series of attacks on Secret Service and White House staff.

According to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) records obtained by Judicial Watch in July, Commander attacked Secret Service agents ten times between October 2022 and January 2023, and in several of the cases the agents required medical care—including at a hospital.

The records feature a November 5, 2022, email exchange between a Uniformed Division officer and an agent who was mauled by Commander on November 3, 2022.

“Doing alright [redacted]? That’s freaking crazy that stupid dog – rolling my eyes [redacted],”  the first officer said. The victim replied, “My leg and arm still hurts. He bit me twice and ran at me twice.”

His colleague replied, “What a joke [redacted] – if it wasn’t their dog he would already have been put down – freaking clown needs a muzzle – hope you get to feeling better [redacted].”

The dog was finally removed from the White House after more recent attacks on a Secret Service agent and other White House staff, Judicial Watch reported.

A 2014 survey of about 4000 dog owners found that the owner’s behavior—rather than the breed— was usually the cause of a dog’s aggressive behavior.

The fact that two of Biden family’s German Shepherd’s have now been sent away for aggressive behavior, has people wondering what is going on behind the scenes at the Biden White House.

A source told Judicial Watch that Joe Biden “has mistreated his dogs” and “has punched and kicked his dogs.”

One video that has emerged online appears to show Biden kicking and/or tripping over Commander as the two are entering the presidential limo.

Shortly after he broke his foot during in November 2020, Biden was interviewed by CNN anchor Jake Tapper. In explaining what led up to the accident, Biden seemed to describe abusive behavior toward Major, who was still a pup at the time.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows – dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me, and for me to grab the ball,” Biden explained. “And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom, and I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on,” he said. “Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

Every responsible dog owner knows you never pull a dog’s tail, which is attached to its spine. Not only does it hurt the animal, it can cause serious structural and muscle damage.

“If you try to pull or even just touch your dog’s tail, he might become protective and he could either bark or bite,” according to pet care company Wag.

This is why it’s especially important not to pull his tail and to teach children that as well. When you want to spend some quality time petting your dog, go for behind the ear scratches, belly rubs, back scratches, or just play with him. If you ever are near his tail, make sure you do not grip it or pull it. By playing with his tail you might be worrying him, which can cause your bond to weaken.

According to Biden’s own words, he pulled on Major’s tail when he was just a puppy.

Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Secret Service for records regarding the latest incidents of aggression and bites involving Commander.

Following a similar FOIA request, Judicial Watch in April 2022 released records “detailing multiple attacks and damages to Secret Service members by Major at both the White House and Biden’s lake home in Wilmington, DE.”

“It is beyond belief that, even after Judicial Watch exposed their attacking ten Secret Service personnel, Joe and Jill Biden have continued to let their dog menace and attack Secret Service and White House staff. Let’s be blunt: the dangerous dog could kill someone,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The ongoing Biden administration cover-up of the Biden dog attacks on Secret Service agents is dangerous corruption.”