Friday, October 6, 2023

Joe Biden Picks Hunter Biden’s Former Co-Worker for Government Office Investigating… Hunter Biden

Jerry Wilson reporting for RedState 

Yes, you read that headline correctly.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has nominated Hampton Dellinger to be the head of the Office of the Special Counsel. Dellinger, who from October 2021 until June 2023 worked in Biden's Justice Department under the job title Assistant Attorney General overseeing the Office of Legal Policy, has on his résumé a stint at the Boies Schiller Flexner LLP law firm, where he worked with Biden’s son Hunter.

First, some background. The United States Office of Special Counsel, as per its website, is:

… an independent federal investigative and prosecutorial agency. Our basic authorities come from four federal statutes: the Civil Service Reform Act, the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Hatch Act, and the Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).

OSC's primary mission is to safeguard the merit system by protecting federal employees and applicants from prohibited personnel practices, especially reprisal for whistleblowing.

Now, flashback to May 2023, when an entire IRS team investigating Hunter Biden for possible tax evasion related to payments made by foreign entities, including governments, was removed from its investigation by the Justice Department. At and subsequent to that time, accusations came that the move was in retaliation for its subject matter, namely the president’s son and possible channeling of funds directly to Joe Biden in exchange for political favors. Or, as Democrats call it, fatherly love.

The allegations of foreign money entering Hunter Biden’s hands, from there split three ways — hookersblow, and Joe — include said activities transpiring during his time at Boies Schiller Flexner when he was working with Dellinger. As reported in June 2021:

Hampton Dellinger, who President Biden nominated on Friday to lead the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Policy, worked on the Crisis Management and Government Response team at Boies Schiller Flexner, an international law firm where Biden served as counsel. Emails from Biden’s laptop show he worked closely with lawyers on Boies Schiller Flexner’s crisis management team. He referred Burisma Holdings to the crisis unit as a client in April 2014. Biden’s laptop emails also indicate he attended a private dinner party with Dellinger and several other Boies Schiller Flexner lawyers in March 2014.

To refresh the memory, it is alleged (quote unquote) that during his tenure as vice president under Barack Obama, Joe Biden demanded the Ukrainian government fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma Holdings for corruption, including payouts in exchange for favors to foreign individuals and entities. Further allegations state that Joe Biden, through Hunter Biden, was one of the recipients of said payouts.

If it were any conglomeration other than the Biden Administration, it would be utterly astonishing that an individual with at the bare minimum ancillary, and at most direct, involvement with an ongoing investigation be nominated to an office charged with, among other things, overseeing the protection of whistleblowers bringing the investigation to light. The conflict of interest is embarrassingly plain. This duly noted, should Dellinger’s nomination come before committee, doubtless the Democrats on said committee will completely ignore all this in favor of such incisive and brutal questioning lines as what is his favorite color. The guarantee is also that the mainstream media will either ignore the nomination altogether or, at most, coddle Dellinger while hurling maximum bile at those dastardly Republicans who dare question the man’s integrity, total independence, and utter worthiness of the position for which he is nominated. Yet Washington, D.C. and its Democratic press release … er, independent press corps wonder why we hate them. Go figure, eh?