Saturday, October 7, 2023

How the Trans Activist Community Forces Obedience From the People Goes Further Than Social Pressure

The transgender activist community is proof positive that our modern society has something incredibly wrong with it. It's hard to wrap one's head around the idea that people could become so detached from reality, but then add that a solid chunk of the population is willing to follow along as well. 

That said, it's not hard to see why many people would go along with this nonsense. There is a lot of social pressure that comes down on people to go along with it. Not doing so could result in becoming a social pariah and result in your cancelation. This could mean many different things could happen to you, not the least of which could be the loss of your job and the destruction of your way of life as you know it. 

Many people don't have the means to resist and so they go along to get along, keeping their heads down and going along with their lives. 

But that's not the only way the trans activist community exerts control over the people. They also do it on a peer-to-peer basis directly. This means that if you ever run into a transgender activist in the wild, there will come a point where manipulation of you is attempted. Sadly, the reason they continue to attempt these manipulation tactics is because they work. 

So in order to combat them, it's important to know how they work. Perhaps you're already guarded against them, but for those who aren't or those who want to be able to relay this information, here's an analysis of how they do it. 

First, let's watch this video from TikTok user Aurora Bird. Bird is a male who identifies as a female, and in this video, he is instructing "allies" on how to behave around him and his transgender cohorts. Now, it needs to be understood that "ally" in this situation doesn't just mean a fellow activist who isn't trans, it means anyone who is compliant with the transgender community's demands. 

Watch this video and see if you can't notice the manipulation tactic that underlies the entire "lesson." 

Truth be told, there are a few manipulation tactics going on here including "blame, guilt, shame" and "intimidation," which are incredibly common tactics used by the transgender community, but the chief one being utilized here — and used in most cases — is a tactic called "moving the goalposts." 

This tactic is often utilized by manipulators to keep people chasing their approval. In the case of the transgender community, the claim is that you will always stay on their good side if you just obey and go along with their worldview. The trouble is that their worldview isn't static. Their wants, desires, and needs change from day to day, and that's by design. 

You'll find this tactic to be very common in the social justice community in general. The key is to maintain control by never reaching a point of satisfaction. The person or people they're trying to manipulate will never be accepting enough for their particular cause, and they must work every day to be a better person in the eyes of the activist. 

You've probably seen this in your personal life, but you've also witnessed this work on a macro scale. Disney, for instance, is always pushing feminism in every single product it creates to the point where their movies and television shows become absurd. Even if the show has a male lead, Disney will weaken and dumb him down in order to make his female companion seem superior by comparison. 

This isn't an accident. There are people within and without Disney constantly pushing for this kind of socio-political expectation to be met, but Disney will never meet it because if it does then the activist is out of a job and purpose. 

For the trans activist community, your obedience to their will is the ultimate goal. The message they send is that you are expected to fail. In fact, you willfail. When you do fail, it's your job to listen to instructions and follow them until the manipulator is satisfied...for the moment. You will never attain perfection in their eyes. You will always screw up and they will always have a need to make you work to make up for it. 

You will always be chasing the dragon.  

It might start with "these are my pronouns that must be obeyed," but then it moves into other territories. They may lay claim to spaces that aren't there's such as men going into women's restrooms. They may say they're entitled to rewards they don't deserve and recognition they never earned. They may demand to be the recipient of benefits that someone else rightfully worked for. 

Failure or refusal to meet these demands has consequences that may range from difficult social interactions and tense situations to life-ruination through job loss or becoming a social outcast in particular groups. 

By design, social justice advocacy is to never be satisfied. It is to see the world through a very dirty lens and proclaim that even the most picayune thing is problematic. If they can find nothing, they'll make something up and make people around them fix it, because the goal is domination.

Don't fall into the trap of trying to please unpleasable people.