Thursday, October 26, 2023

Crazed NY Judge Claims Trump Violated Gag Order by Criticizing Michael Cohen

Justice Arthur Engoron is truly one of the most ridiculous judges on the bench.

During a break in the courtroom theatrics, following testimony by Michael Cohen, President Trump told the media, “This judge is a very partisan judge with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him, perhaps even much more partisan than he is.”  President Trump was clearly remarking about Michael Cohen who was on the witness stand.

However, Moonbat Judge Engoron then demanded President Trump take the witness stand so he could ask him who those comments were directed toward.  With Trump on the witness stand, the judge asked: “To whom were you referring?”  “You and Cohen,” Trump replied.

The judge then said he did not believe Trump, “as the trier of fact, I find the witness is not credible“, he decreed from his perch; preferring to believe that President Trump was talking about Judge Engoron’s clerk.    The idiot in a robe then levied another $10,000 sanction based on his wrongful assumption of President Trump’s thinking.

This is all far too ridiculous at this point.

NEW YORK – […] Trump unexpectedly took the witness stand Wednesday to face questioning from the judge about comments Trump made earlier in the day apparently disparaging the judge’s law clerk.

“As the trier of fact, I find the witness is not credible,” Justice Arthur Engoron said after Trump testified.

Trump’s testimony marked a remarkable moment in the trial, eliciting gasps in the room as the former president walked from the defense table to the witness stand.

During a break in the proceedings earlier in the day, Trump told reporters in the hallway outside the courtroom that “this judge is a very partisan judge with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him, perhaps even much more partisan than he is.”

With Trump on the witness stand, the judge asked: “To whom were you referring?”

“You and Cohen,” Trump replied, referring to Michael Cohen, his former personal lawyer and fixer who testified about Trump’s business practices on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Engoron, however, indicated he believed Trump was referring to his law clerk, Allison Greenfield, who sits directly to the judge’s right on the bench and whom Trump has already disparaged once before. (more)