Thursday, October 12, 2023

CNN Pushes State Dept Propaganda Message – Saying Iran Had No Idea Hamas Was Going to Attack

Please always remember.  CNN = State Dept.  WaPo = CIA.  NYT = DOJ/FBI. This constant will never change.

Today CNN is out with four reporter bylines on one story to push the official U.S. State Dept story that Iran had no idea Hamas was going to launch the attack against Israel. That’s the collective story, assembled by the people behind Joe Biden, and they are sticking to it.

Now, let’s cut through the pretending.  The State Dept is pushing the story the Biden team need them to, because the point of defending Iran is to maintain a friendly posture and dance with the devil.  The team behind Biden is hopeful that this approach will endear them to Iran so that Tehran will keep Hezbollah out of the fight.  It’s diplomatic pretending pushed on a global stage and managed by the PR firm of the State Dept through CNN.   That’s the ‘why’ of this story.

Now, read very carefully as to how it is constructed. You will see the couched terms and carefully edited propaganda.

CNN – The United States has collected specific intelligence that suggests senior Iranian government officials were caught by surprise by Saturday’s bloody attack on Israel by Hamas, according to multiple sources familiar with the intelligence.

The existence of the intelligence has cast doubt on the idea that Iran was directly involved in the planning, resourcing or approving of the operation, sources said.

The sources stressed that the US intelligence community is not ready to reach a full conclusion about whether Tehran was directly involved in the run-up to the attack. They continue to look for evidence of Iranian involvement, which caught both Israel and the United States by surprise.

And since the attack, government officials have noted that Iran has provided longstanding and significant support for Hamas, including weapons and financing, that unquestionably contributed to Hamas’s ability to pull off such a massive operation.

But the sources said that this intelligence – which has been briefed to lawmakers on Capitol Hill – has led US analysts to lean toward an initial assessment that the government of Iran did not play a direct role in the attack.

“Iran likely knew Hamas was planning operations against Israel, but without the precise timing or scope of what occurred,” said one US official. “Although Iran has long supported Hamas with material and financial support, we have not currently seen anything to suggest Iran supported or was behind the attack.”

But, this person cautioned, it is premature to draw any final conclusions based on what the US knows right now.

“We will be looking at additional intelligence in the coming weeks to inform our thinking on this issue, including whether there were at least some within their system that either had a clearer sense of what was coming or even contributed to aspects of the planning,” the official said.

Another source familiar with the intelligence told CNN’s Jim Sciutto that Iran was caught by surprise by the timing of the attack.

The sources did not disclose any further details about the nature of the intelligence, which one source briefed on the information said is extremely sensitive. (read more)

See how carefully that is written? The “intelligence” is bullshit.

The intelligence is manipulated to create a structure of usefulness to the Nuland, Biden, Obama, Haines diplomatic effort to support Iran. The intelligence is couched carefully to avoid losing all credibility; but the intelligence is all political.