Sunday, September 17, 2023

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 17


I saw something truly horrifying today, something that reminded me of why I absolutely loathe cyber bullies and why I've said before that the WGA and SAG need to die off.

The number 1 lesson I've learned after being cyber bullied a few times in the past is this: NEVER, EVER give in to the bullies, because they will continue to come after you like they own you! If they know they can beat you down with 1 thing, they will continue to use that weakness to their advantage until you are 100% miserable forever!

That's what the WGA and SAG unions are: 2 unions that support using cyber bullying to basically terrorise their members into complete compliance!! Those kind of tyranical tactics should 100% be illegal, and no union should ever support that at all. Because it 100% makes them look like the kind of monsters they keep trying to say the studios are to them.

I've only paid attention to them since May because unless they are not on strike, I don't get the NCIS's and I don't get full closure for Hetty. I do not, and will never support them in any way other then to keep hoping they make a damn deal to end their strikes strictly because I want my shows back and NOT cancelled! That is it. Other then that, I hope both unions eventually die off because of bankruptchy or something else because they are 2 power bullies who want to rule over all their members like tyrants, and I despise bullies.