Wednesday, September 20, 2023

We Are the Danger

Big Tech and the progressive elites have labeled us as “dangerous.” Companies like Google and others have participated in concentrated efforts to target RedState and other right-leaning news sites by applying this label, also referring to us as “derogatory” for the stories we report.

They are right.

We are dangerous, but not in the way they would have people believe.

Let me set the table. Many of my colleagues, along with myself, have been covering news related to the nationwide effort to promote a progressive LGBTQ agenda through the public school system. Most recently, we have focused on California’s government empowering itself to use its position to force school districts to conceal information about students from their parents. When a child shows signs that they are dealing with gender dysphoria, teachers and other members of school staff are now compelled by law to prevent parents from finding out.

Ward Clark reported that a federal judge issued an injunction against Escondido Union School District (EUSD) over a requirement that teachers deceive parents about their children’s gender identity.

The background statement of this decision begins:

If a school student suffers a life-threatening concussion while playing soccer during a class on physical fitness, and the child expresses his feelings that he does not want his parents to find out, would it be lawful for the school to require its instructor to hide the event from the parents? Of course not. What if the child at school suffers a sexual assault, or expresses suicidal thoughts, or expresses aggressive and threatening thoughts or behavior? Would it be acceptable not to inform the parents? No. These would be serious medical conditions to which parents have a legal and federal constitutional right to be informed of and to direct decisions on medical treatment. A parent’s right to make decisions concerning the care, custody, control, and medical care of their children is one of the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests that Americans enjoy. However, if a school student expresses words or actions during class that may be the first visible sign that the child is dealing with gender incongruity or possibly gender dysphoria, conditions that may (or may not) progress into significant, adverse, life-long social-emotional health consequences, would it be lawful for the school to require teachers to hide the event from the parents?

In this case, it's clear that consistency and predicates in other cases are being considered in the overall picture of parental rights. As the statement notes, the EUSD's transgender pronoun policy would somehow place gender confusion in a different category than a sports injury or other mental issues.

As Susie Moore wrote earlier, Clark’s article was deemed “dangerous and derogatory” by the censorship brigade at Google. This is part of an overall effort to demonetize our content and that of other right-leaning news sites.

The question is: What is so “dangerous” about reporting on a judge’s ruling?

Is this dangerous to members of the LGBTQ community? Of course not. But the real danger is that our continued exposure of these issues poses a threat to an authoritarian progressive agenda that seeks to usurp parental rights and use the power of the state to force their views on the rest of us.

This is not only about a single ruling. Rather, this is part of an overarching push to curtail speech, especially when it challenges the prevailing narrative to which progressive demand we adhere. If Clark had put a left-wing spin on the aforementioned report and criticized the injunction, there is no doubt Google would not only have not labeled us as “dangerous and derogatory,” it would likely have boosted the article in the search rankings.

When companies like Google apply such labels, they are essentially siding with the people who think affirming parental rights is a threat – not to children, but to their agenda. This is a cautionary tale, like so many other stories of this type.

The bottom line is that RedState is a threat to the progressive order. Sites like ours pose a very real danger to what these people seek to accomplish. They want nothing less than to use the power of the state and America’s prominent institutions to force their way of thinking on the rest of us, regardless of how we might feel about it.

The silver lining to all of this is that this scenario shows we are making a difference. Folks who dare to speak up and challenge the assault on our natural rights are moving the needle – and the progressives in charge of Big Tech are terrified. This means we need to double down. It means we need more people to get off the sidelines and start speaking out in our own communities and on all of our platforms. This is not an easy battle – but the reaction of the enemy shows that it is one we can win if we remain steadfast.