Wednesday, September 20, 2023

There’s a Shift Afoot

I should have presented this a week ago, but now it seems more important.

Joe Biden will almost certainly not be the DNC nominee in ’24 coming out of the convention.  Most likely, in the next 90 days, something is going to surface that will indicate exactly why and how this move is going to take place.

Biden was installed by the Obama network for a single four-year term with multiple intentions – the rapid escalation of far-left progressive objectives and policies, in combination with a need to control the outcomes of DC systems to protect the Obama network from scrutiny.  This is the reason why the Lightbringer maintained an operational residence in DC that was more akin to a policy and control command center.

The entire Biden administration is seeded with like-minded travelers from the tribe of Teh One.  However, in/around the time Susan Rice was withdrawn from the Biden team in the White House, a shift was visible.  Team Obama began a slow withdrawal of influence, and the shallower, less strategic, team of Biden became more autonomous. The shift was subtle, but people -even media- began to notice increased blunders and Biden contradictions.

If my suspicions are correct, we are likely to see a gradual Obama team exit from DC, culminating in a sale of his Kalorama neighborhood “residence.”   Team Obama are very skilled at timing exits to avoid being impacted by collateral damage inside crises they create.  Unlike what some might claim, there is not going to be an Obama approved ’24 candidate, and Big Mike is not part of the equation.

Inside the modern Democrat wing of the UniParty there have always been two factions of power. The Obama (progressive, activist) faction, and the Clinton (power, greed) traditional faction.  The two teams hate each other, each seeing only a limited pie for sharing, but they align under common interests.

You might remember how it was Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, who dragged Barack Obama into the Libya/Egypt mess.  Aloof and above the fray, Obama didn’t want to participate in what was going to be a predictable failure. Within that dynamic, Obama was focused on the radical transformation of domestic politics. Other than feeding the Lightbringer’s ego, foreign policy wasn’t really the Obama team’s focus.

After Clinton left the Obama administration, she and Obama agreed to insert John Podesta for the purpose of safeguarding her interests and relaying information back to team Clinton.  Again, neither Clinton nor Obama trusted each other.

Fast forward to this current time of slow and quiet Obama withdrawal, while Biden remains tenuously in office.  Team Obama have carried out almost three years of extreme transformation within the US body politic. Whether this transformation is reversible is an argument for another day, but now the consequence phase begins.  This establishes the predicate for the Obama influence removal – the ‘exit’ per se’.

Anthony Blinken (current Secretary of State) and Jake Sullivan (current National Security Advisor) are/were part of Team Clinton – the more power/greed centric Democrat apparatus that sells govt influence to corporations as a business model.  You will note this overall Clinton outlook aligns with the Biden family enterprise.

Put it together, stand back and look from the 30,000 ft level, and what you will notice is a lean backward by Team Obama (mission accomplished), and a lean forward by Team Clinton, opportunities exist now.

(Via AP) – […] The need to “Keep Going” is the theme of this year’s Clinton Global Initiative, or CGI, as Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton say they will convene political, business and philanthropic leaders to build on the momentum of the conference’s return last year after a six-year hiatus.

CGI plans to announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits working in the country.

The CGI Ukraine Action Network is the result of a collaboration between Hillary Clinton and Olena Zelenska, first lady of Ukraine, that began last year. The new organization, which will be formally announced Tuesday, is designed to mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians, according to CGI. Numerous monetary commitments for Ukraine are also set to be announced Tuesday,

In 2022, CGI announced more than 140 commitments, including a $1 billion plan from, co-founded by actor Matt Damon, to help 100 million people in Africa, Asia and Latin America get lasting access to water and sanitation. This year, leaders including World Bank President Ajay Banga, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, World Central Kitchen founder Jose Andres and Ford Foundation CEO Darren Walker, will attend and make their own commitments, which are required for attendance at the conference.

However, for nonprofits working in Ukraine, the spotlight CGI is offering them, 18 months after Russia’s invasion of the country, may be just as important as the monetary commitments.

The nonprofit Save Ukraine, which has opened community centers across the country to help families and especially children traumatized by the war and works to rescue Ukrainian children who have been detained in Russia, is set to receive commitments of support during CGI that it plans to use to open more centers, said Olga Yerokhina, spokeswoman for the charity. (read more)

Yes, the multinationals are always the controlling factor.  After all, they control the politicians.   However, the politicians control the distribution of the treasury assets, and the Clinton family legacy of affluence is driven by controlling the destination of those govt funds.

The fundamental change Obama initiated is deeply ingrained in the domestic intelligence systems now.  DHS, CISA, and on down the line to FBI and Main Justice, are fully weaponized for political targeting.  Into this status, enhanced Artificial Intelligence is about to be launched; the system is indeed overloaded, and social crisis will ultimately be the outcome as the threads that bind the republic are torn.   Obama doesn’t need to stand close and watch; their mission is essentially complete.

Worrisome statutes of limitation have been purposefully run out.  Energy policy is structurally changed. Pipelines destroyed, leases cancelled, green new deal embedded in the policy which will manifest the outcome of solar and windmill nonsense.  The borders are wide open, and tens-of-millions of illegal aliens have flooded in.   Lisa Monaco has the DOJ’s Trump targeting operation well under control with a compliant media to assist.  The treasury is broke, and the military is woke.

Three years of extreme leftist agenda, and now the eyes turn to 2024.

Obama doesn’t want anything to do with that, but Clinton sees a financial opportunity.

Joe Biden will not be the DNC ’24 nominee….. and there’s no way in hell he will be the 2025 POTUS with Obama in retreat.

Keep watching….