Sunday, September 17, 2023

The United States Should Heed Javier Milei’s Warning About the Rise of Socialism

The global landscape has been teeming with calls for social justice, egalitarianism, and a stronger government hand in fixing the problems many are dealing with across the world. With persisting socio-economic disparities, among other issues, people are crying out for solutions. However, there has also been a sharp backlash against policies that many would describe as socialist in nature.

Indeed, the election of former President Donald Trump in 2016 and the Brexit movement in the United Kingdom seem to suggest that people have grown weary of left-wing authoritarianism. In the United States, the push for a bigger government is running full steam ahead as the two major parties contribute to the growth of the state. However, the emergence of Javier Milei, a libertarian populist leading the presidential polling in Argentina seems to suggest that the world might be on the cusp of change.

During an interview with Tucker Carlson, Milei savaged socialism and its use of the social justice movement to enforce far-leftist views on the rest of the population. He described how the embrace of socialism caused the economic woes his country is currently experiencing. His remarks could serve as a clarion call to the United States, which has not immersed itself as deeply in the pool of left-wing authoritarianism as South American nations.

“Never embrace the ideas of socialism. Never let yourselves be seduced by the siren song of social justice, never let yourselves be trapped by that nefarious phrase that where there is an need there is a right, but that this is not done alone,” he said during his conversation with Carlson, also noting that America has “to be prepared and…fight the cultural battle day by day.”

Milei pointed out that the hard left has “no problem to get inside the state and apply [Antonio] Gramsci’s techniques,” which involves “seducing artists, that is, culture, seducing the media or getting into the contents of education.”

He ended his comments with a stark warning: [Socialists] are going to get into the state, and from the state, they are going to impose an agenda that, in the long run, will end up destroying everything they touch.”

Milei essentially gave the blueprint Marxists are using to amass enough power to enforce their will on the rest of us at the end of a gun. Gramsci, an Italian Marxist philosopher, was known for emphasizing the role of culture in gaining dominance. Through the arts, media, and education, they seek to convince, coerce, cajole, and compel the rest of us to embrace their ideas. I’m sure some of this already sounds familiar, right? In this way, the Marxist crowd seeks to erect a cultural hegemony designed to shape public opinion.

As the legendary Andrew Breitbart often pointed out, “politics is downstream from culture.” The hard left has perfected the art of dominating the culture and using their influence to gain more power in the government – especially at the federal level. The Republican Party and establishment conservative movement have not only been impotent in stopping this snowball from gaining momentum, but they have also been complicit in the effort to grow the government.

At this juncture, the nation is in a precarious position. The far left has established dominance over almost all of our major institutions. They use the education system to indoctrinate young minds to ensure they will support socialism when they become adults. Through the entertainment industry, they disseminate their ideology through “woke” propaganda. In fact, the Marxist crowd has even infiltrated the military, the press, and several government agencies.

To put it simply, they have already gained massive footholds in important areas of society. Fighting back against that will not be easy. While our foe is not invincible, it would be folly to underestimate its power. Using a top-down approach to destroy the Marxist stranglehold on society will not work. They have already taken full control in these areas.

However, starting from the bottom up is a better strategy over the long term. The authoritarians have not yet wrested control over these areas from we the people. This is why I continually preach the value of local politics. Focusing on our communities first will help build the foundation from which we can truly fight for liberty.