Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Decline of American 'Civilization'


AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The Decline of American 'Civilization'

Article by Mark Lewis in Townhall

“Civilization is an occasional and temporary interruption of the jungle.”—Will Durant.

“Civilization” or “being civilized” are not terms that are wholly easy to define.  Vagaries and degrees can exist; it would be hard to argue that any human being is totally “uncivilized” or that any human being (or culture) has a monopoly on the term.  We tend to think of “civilized” societies as those who possess at least a modicum of decent behavior and progress.  Perhaps “civilization” can best be defined—though possibly not with total accuracy—as a distinction between man and the animal kingdom, or in the word Durant used, the “jungle.”

Animals—despite some idiotic Leftist claims today—don’t have morality, art, economic goals, religion, science—things that we have often considered to be representative of “civilized” societies.  Some animals do, on occasion, show some features of what we might call “civilized” behavior, but such is not planned by intelligence; it is wholly by instinct and a desire for self-preservation.  The “jungle” isn’t “civilized” in any intelligent definition of the word.  “Civilization” is an offshoot of humans created in the image of God, yet with a crucial, important conception:  God gives man freedom of moral choice and thus the freedom to descend into barbarity and the jungle if we choose to do so.  As the quote from Durant suggests, and any good historian will tell you, such has happened in human history and not necessarily infrequently.  Not many of us would call the Nazis “civilized.”

Thus, there is a standard of behavior—again, not always clearly or distinctly defined in human activity—which we can call “civilized” vs. “uncivilized.”  When people sink below a certain standard of decency, responsibility, concern for their fellow creatures, and wise, virtuous conduct, it would be hard to call them “civilized.”

Are the inner cities of most Democratic Party-controlled metropolises “civilized”?  I, personally, would not call them that.  There is some behavior everywhere that classifies as “civilized,” but when that certain standard is no longer reached, barbarity becomes dominant.  The streets of Chicago and San Francisco are probably more dangerous than an Amazonian jungle. 

What other kinds of human behavior do we see today that qualify as “uncivilized”?  Let me suggest a few examples.

    1.  Civilized beings do not kill their own offspring for pleasure or self-gratification.  There are indeed some animals who do occasionally kill their offspring; a male bear, for example, might kill his own cubs to have sexual access to the female again.  Quite frankly, this sounds a lot like abortion to me, at least in principle—the destruction of life for the carnal gratification and selfishness of the parent, in this case, the mother.  We accept male bears doing this as simply part of their nature; they aren’t “civilized,” they are acting by instinct, and as a result, we cannot hold them morally responsible for their behavior.  But that’s the point.  The killing of one’s offspring is not “civilized” behavior, and in creatures who do (supposedly) have moral “sense” (humans), it becomes a reprehensible, uncivilized act.  All the more because it is done deliberately and primarily for ultimate carnal gratification.  A baby would be a nuisance; the procreation of the species, which is the ultimate purpose of the sexual act, is no longer in view.  Pleasure is.  This isn’t “civilization,” it is barbarity gone to seed.

    2.  The mutilation of children for sexual purposes is also a distinctly “uncivilized” act.   As noted, some animals will kill their offspring.  Perhaps there are some who mutilate their children in order to produce a creature they can eventually have sex with, but I know of no such creature—except humans.  What the Left is doing to America’s children today is beneath barbarity.  It is savagery in the basest meaning of the term.  Civilized people do not mutilate their own children.  Period.  Anybody who believes that conduct is proper is as uncivilized as any creature can be, even below the most monstrous of animals. 

    3.  Contrariwise, civilized people nurture and care for their children, educate and discipline them, and protect them from uncivilized predators. It is called “the family,” and it has been the foundation of every civilized society in history.  The more a society destroys the nuclear family, the less “civilized” it becomes.

    4.  A civilized society knows the difference between males and females.  Even animals do.  Any society that doesn’t have descended beneath a jungle level.  Nature cannot be destroyed, and civilization can be advanced.

    5.  A civilized society knows that all its collective parts should contribute to the well-being and advancement of that society. It will structure itself in such a way as to accomplish that.  A civilized society does not encourage wanton, degraded, degenerate, slothful—or uncivilized—behavior.  It isolates the animals inside it in order to protect its civilization.

    6.  The glorification of violence and sex in a society is uncivilized.  These things appeal to the most squalid nature of man, his most carnal appetites, not his noblest.  Uncontrolled lust and violence are characteristics of the lowest common denominator of humanity.  Jungle instincts must be restrained, contained, and overcome for civilization to exist.   Any society that refuses to do so will suffer dire consequences, as indeed we see in America today.

I could mention other matters pertaining to a “civilized” vs..... “uncivilized” society, but space is limited.  It is evident to any wise, just observer that many parts of the United States today have descended into the jungle and are getting worse.  And all at the behest and encouragement of those who should know better.  It is critical to understand—and too many people do not—that left unchecked and unhindered, a jungle will overrun everything in its path.  But when the jungle is the source of someone’s wealth and power, it is obviously in their best interest to let it grow and flourish.  

Hence, the Democratic Party in America.   

The Decline of American 'Civilization' (

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