Saturday, September 16, 2023

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith Seeks Gag Order on President Trump

Yesterday U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan unsealed previously hidden court filings revealing the DOJ’s request to silence Donald Trump via a judicial gag order [Read PDF Here].

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is arguing that President Trump is undermining the fairness of the proceedings by pushing back against the narratives and leaks the DOJ is providing to the media.  As noted by Smith, President Trump is “disparaging” and delivering “inflammatory attacks” on prosecutors, witnesses and the judge in the case.


I think we all knew this request was eventually going to happen.  The question going forward is whether Judge Chutkan is willing to attempt to block the #1 presidential candidate from speaking, while simultaneously allowing the DOJ/FBI and Jack Smith to leak to the media.

Unfortunately, I think the intent to support the request is exactly why Judge Chutkan unsealed the request.  She is trying to control the blast damage from a decision she fully intends to make.

President Trump responded on Truth Social: