Friday, September 1, 2023

President Trump Pleads Not Guilty and Waives Arraignment Appearance

Smart move by President Trump not to appear in court today thereby starving the media of oxygen to push the anti-Trump narrative. ‘I do hereby freely and voluntarily waive my right to be present at my arraignment on the Indictment and my right to have it read to me in open court,’ he said in a filing submitted by his local attorney.

Strategically, it was also a brilliant counter-Lawfare move as it removes the power of corrupt DA Fani Willis to grandstand from the courtroom holding the appearance of Trump in Atlanta, GA, as a trophy for her tribe.  Remember, Lawfare is a construct for media consumption intended to manipulate public opinion.

The more you starve the Lawfare operatives of the oxygen they need, the stronger your offense against their schemes.

(Via Politico) – Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty to charges that he conspired to subvert the 2020 election in Georgia, formally signaling his intent to fight the charges in the sprawling racketeering case brought by Fulton County prosecutors.

Trump entered his plea Thursday in a two-page court filing meant to waive his appearance at an arraignment scheduled for Sept. 6, when he was slated to have the charges read to him in court. Several of the 18 defendants charged alongside him have also waived their appearances at the scheduled arraignment. (read more)

We are living in an era that requires strategic thinking, not emotion.

Alinsky methods, like Lawfare, are designed to target your emotional and psychological response system.  If you struggle with the emotions of anger and frustration, take a walk, get your emotional self under control, then you can return with a cold, deliberate and calculated response.  This is not easy; it takes mental discipline.

Make the enemy eat up their mental and emotional space with thoughts and “what if’s” about you.  Meanwhile, you stay frosty and clear-headed.