Monday, September 25, 2023

Karine Jean-Pierre Excuses Biden's Recent Senility By Claiming He's Just 'Passionate'

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

As RedState reported, Joe Biden recently had a senior moment while speaking at a fundraiser. 

In a scene that left everyone confused, Biden told a story about the 2017 neo-nazi rally in Charlottesville, which he has long claimed spurned him to run for president. Things got weird, though, when Biden told the exact same story just a few minutes later. 

Here's the first version.

“But then along came, in August of 2017, Charlottesville, Virginia,” Biden said. “You remember those folks walking out of the fields literally carrying torches, with Nazi swastikas, holding them forward, singing the same vicious, antisemitic bile – the same exact bile – bile that was sung in – in Germany in the early 30s. And a young woman was killed. A young woman was killed.”

“And this was – and I re – you may remember it,” Biden continued. “There was a consequential piece of business going on. And the former guy was asked, ‘What do you think would happen?’ He was the sitting president. And he said, ‘I thought there were some very fine people on both sides.'”

And the second version.

“You know, you may remember that, you know, those folks from Charlottesville, as they came out of the fields and carrying those swastikas, and remember the ones with the torches and the Ku – accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan,” Biden said. “And in addition to that, they had – there were white supremacists. Anyway, they were making the big case about how terrible this was. And a young woman was killed in the process.”

It's pretty obvious what happened. Within just a few minutes, Biden had forgotten what he had already said. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, speaking at a Friday presser, offered a different explanation: The president is just too darn passionate. 

“I think it’s important to note that the president was speaking, as you said, at a fundraiser, and he was speaking from his heart,” Jean-Pierre said. “He was speaking about why he decided to do this. And you hear the president talk about this, it’s always incredibly emotional for him. He didn’t have to. He went through an incredibly difficult time when he was deciding to jump into the race.”

“He spoke to that passionately, and that is why he is in this because he believes he can help move this country forward in a way that brings it to its best,” Jean-Pierre continued.

Is it important to note? Because I'm pretty sure having passion doesn't make someone repeat the same story twice as if they were rebooted mid-speech. Biden was just speaking so deeply from his heart that he couldn't keep track of what he was saying. I mean, come on, who is buying that? 

This has become a common refrain for the White House. Recall that the biggest defense they've been able to offer of Joe Biden lying about his knowledge of Hunter Biden's corrupt foreign dealings is that the president just loves his son too much. Apparently, that means it's okay to not only enable bad behavior but also allegedly be involved in it, up to and including possible bribery. 

Biden is old and senile. He got lost during his speech and went back over the same ground. It's that simple. It had nothing to do with passion or heart. Jean-Pierre should workshop a better excuse next time.