Saturday, September 23, 2023

House GOP Points out the Interesting Email Involving Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Bob Menendez

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

As we reported earlier, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the very powerful chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, was just indicted on federal charges including bribery, for allegedly using his power to protect and help Wael Hana, Jose Uribe, and Fred Daibes, as well as to benefit Egypt. 

Menendez allegedly got gold, cash, and all kinds of other payoffs for his actions. 

The indictment alleges that Senator Menendez took several actions as part of this corrupt relationship. First, the indictment alleges that Senator Menendez used his power and influence, including his leadership role on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to benefit the government of Egypt in various ways. Among other actions, Senator Menendez allegedly provided sensitive, non-public U. S. Government information to Egyptian officials and otherwise took steps to secretly aid the government of Egypt.

Yikes. If that's true, Menendez is in big trouble and that's accusing him of acting as an agent of Egypt. 

But it turns out that there's also an interesting Joe and Hunter Biden connection to Bob Menendez, as the House GOP was quick to point out. It further shows the deep relationship of Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca partner Eric Schwerin with Joe Biden. As we reported, the House Democrats recently made a huge admission, acknowledging that Schwerin had been involved in taking care of Joe Biden's finances. But it was much more than that. 

As the House GOP noted: 

"When an aide to Senator Robert Menendez requested that then VP-Biden host the U.S.-Spain Council's 2010 annual meeting at his official Naval Observatory residence in Washington DC, he contacted Hunter Biden's business partner rather than Joe's White House office."

We've reported on this email before.  

Schwerin was even contacted by Danny O’Brien, then chief of staff to U.S.-Spain Council chair Senator Menendez, contacted Schwerin asking if Vice President Biden could host the group’s annual meeting at the VP residence.

Schwerin wrote to Hunter about the opportunity that posed to connect them with potential future clients.

‘Spanish members include CEOs of the major banks – Banco Santander, etc, Iberdrola, Spanish Rail, etc. Amb. Solomont is a big supporter and JRB [Joe] went to speak to group in Boca when a Senator,’ he said.

‘Having their annual meeting in DC in July. Spanish Foreign Minister attends. Danny wants to explore with you possibility of getting VP to host event at NAVOBs [Naval Observatory] for group. Maybe even an appearance at a reception at a hotel. I’ll get more info and we can discuss with Danny next week. I think Solomont mentioned your interest in Spain and that is why Danny is calling us.’

So not only does it show how Hunter's partner Schwering was doing the finances, he was also scheduling events for Joe Biden. It also shows that this was trading favors -- they ask to use the Naval Observatory for the event, and then Menendez's guy satisfies their interest in meeting potential Spanish contacts. 

But sure, Joe Biden had no involvement in the business.