Friday, September 1, 2023

GA GOPe Gov Brian Kemp Rises to Defend Honor and Character of Corrupt DA Fani Willis

Former House Speaker, Republican John Boehner (far left), and current Georgia Republican Governor, Brian Kemp (far right), attend a Stop Trump political strategy session in Sea Island, Georgia, May 2023.  The strategy session was how to align with Democrats to destroy the MAGA insurgency.

Well, I certainly hope this doesn’t come as a surprise to CTH readers. {Go Deep on GA GOPe) In fact, on August 15th, I specifically wrote how Georgia Governor Brian Kemp was supporting Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis {Go Deep}.

When you know you are essentially watching a performance of paid political actors, and if you are familiar with the Sea Island – Big Club screenplay, then the only thing remaining is to watch the show and see which sequence they assign to each act.   In today’s performance, Brian Kemp, holds a public press conference to proclaim his faith and trust in corrupt Fulton County DA Fani Willis.  WATCH:

The reality of the situation is very obvious.  Kemp is leading a stop Trump effort on behalf of the multinational benefactors behind him.  This is why Kemp recently met privately with Ron DeSantis to promote the reboot 4.0 effort.  The Sea Island group has organized Georgia as an important part of their effort.  Kemp has a role to play, and the support of Fani Willis is as simple as fulfilling that role and responsibility.

Many casual political observers have been wondering about why the Georgia republican apparatus, including Brian Kemp, doesn’t just get involved and shut down the nonsense coming from Fulton County and political prosecutor Fani Willis.  It’s an understandable reference point and curiosity, but if you understand Georgia republican politics you understand why the political leadership actually support Fani Willis.

Republican and Democrat politics is a club structure. Factually, voters are irrelevant in the system the two private corporations have constructed.  Whether you align with Republicans or you choose to align with Democrats, the main thing to always remember is – they don’t care. Voters are not part of the RNC/DNC party construct. Voters are irrelevant.  The interests of voters are not part of any discussion that takes place inside the private corporations.

On a scaled basis of control, the Georgia republican apparatus is near the top of the GOPe structure for total operational control.  Georgia voters are even less relevant than other states. Georgia voters, much like Texas voters, are the least important part of the party process.

Georgia and Texas are closed party states. Much like “districts” in the former Soviet era, Texas and Georgia are under the control of private party officers. If you live in either of these states, and if you try to effect political organizing that impacts the party apparatus, you are an annoying gnat to be removed.

We the people do not have voting processes in these states (Arizona, Nevada and more recently Alaska are examples), we have the illusion of the voting process.

Control is the key in these totalitarian illusions of democracy.  If Fani Willis is targeting the group who organize against the interests of Brian Kemp and the Republican club leadership, she is doing them a favor.  Brian Kemp and his Republican party crew support corrupt district attorney Fani Willis, just like former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell supported U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in the targeting of the Tea Party (2011, 2012).  The alignments are exactly identical.

There are states where the professional [GOPe] republican grip is tight, and there are states where the MAGA insurgency has gained strength loosening that corporate club grip.  Georgia is a state where the party apparatus is gripping the reins tight and not willing to let the populist movement impede their professional political stranglehold.

Governor Brian Kemp is to Georgia in 2024 as Govenor Haley Barbour was to Mississippi previously.  Kemp controls the party machinery and Kemp has always despised the popular support for Donald Trump, an unacceptable republican in the eyes of the party apparatus.  It is not coincidental that Sea Island Georgia is the epicenter of the Wall Street assembly against the populist insurgency.  Georgia is a battleground state for Republican power and control.

Before going further, watch this 20 second clip of MeAgain Kelly interviewing Ron DeSantis recently.  Notice the mindset, the point of reference for DeSantis, when Kelly pokes him about his distant polling to President Trump.  Notice the state he references {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH:

I’m not going to repeat the examples of the Sea Island reference points, the Mike Pence rally to support Kemp, George W Bush rallying support for Kemp, the intentional non requests for Trump ’22 campaigning, True the Vote’s Catherine Englebrecht documenting the systemic vote system corruption by Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp and his entire administration, or the MSM push to use Kemp as an example of a Trump slayer.

Additionally, you guys already know the background of Georgia grassroots activists booing Kemp at the state convention, and the recent issue of Brian Kemp adviser Cody Hall joining team DeSantis while remaining a Kemp advisor.

The Sea Island group of billionaires, influence agents, GOPe politicians, multinationals, Wall Street hedge funds and corporate republicans are manipulating the events in Georgia to support the roadmap that contains their nominee, Ron DeSantis.

Again, for reference, this is not a short-term issue.  This is a long-term construct on behalf of the right-wing of the UniParty and the Bush clan apparatus to remove the threat of MAGA politics from their controlled party.

DeSantis is a tool, a vessel for these interests. The absentee Florida governor is not their candidate per se’, because the benefit DeSantis provides is not contained in his winning the 2024 primary, but rather in stopping Donald Trump from winning it.

In 2010 the Tea Party caught the corporate Republican party off guard, they reassembled their machinery and then attacked and removed the Tea Party influence in 2012.  In 2016 the counterinsurgent Tea Party base found a way to fight back with Donald Trump; we reassembled and added more support from the middle and working class around the America First agenda and defeated Wall Street republicans again.  However, every moment thereafter has been this battle between the party control operatives and the MAGA insurgents.

That battle has continued, and Georgia is the latest visible evidence of the war raging in the background.

We told you this was going to be very ugly, and it is unfolding exactly as we would expect.

It will get worse, much worse!

The key to defeating these Machiavellian constructs is to pour sunlight upon them.