Monday, September 18, 2023

Defending America From Slippery Authoritarian Slopes

The Left are the ones with no regard for our Constitutional Republic or the principles of American freedom

The Left insists that “democracy” is on the ballot and that Republicans want to subvert elections, claiming that Trump supporters are racist domestic terrorists and authoritarians. And yet, the events of the last few years have proven the truth to be quite the opposite. Between large-scale collusion to unconstitutionally destroy and remove a president, the subversion of elections with unconstitutional “emergency” restrictions, and massive campaigns to unconstitutionally censor truth, it would seem the Left are the ones with no regard for our Constitutional Republic or the principles of American freedom. What’s really on the ballot is the protection of our nation from the slippery slopes of corruption, collusion, and authoritarianism. That is why I am endorsing Donald Trump and will stand by him between these slippery authoritarian slopes and American freedoms.

The massive campaign to interfere with and undermine Trump’s presidency was one of the reasons I felt motivated to run for public office. The people elected him to implement certain America First policies, cut bureaucratic red tape, expose corruption, and protect our fundamental rights. We didn’t get what we voted for because entire governmental organizations mobilized to prevent those efforts, with no regard for legalities or the will of the people.

Even before he took office, the constitution was seemingly thrown out the window when an establishment political candidate, a secret court, the DOJ, and the intelligence community colluded to fabricate evidence and illegally wiretap a duly elected president. With no real judicial process and under a heavy cloak of secrecy, some of our nation’s most powerful political figures went to great lengths to distract from and derail Trump’s presidency and manipulate the American people.

After several years and millions of taxpayer dollars had been wasted targeting the President through sham investigations and impeachment hoaxes, the only thing the Big Government complex managed to prove was that the corrupt Deep State runs DC and that some of America’s most basic constitutional freedoms are at risk. Despite so many lies and so much criminal corruption by so many powerful people, we saw little accountability.

Perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised that after facing no accountability for their criminal corruption, they continued to persecute and prosecute Trump, and even launched a massive censorship campaign to protect the Biden family from having their own rampant criminal corruption exposed ahead of the election. Not only would the Hunter Biden laptop story have validated Trump’s concerns about Ukrainian government corruption (the ridiculous basis for the first impeachment hoax), but it surely would have impacted the outcome of the 2020 election. In an impressively coordinated effort they claimed was “fortifying” the election, Big Government, Big Tech, and Big Media colluded to censor truth and influence an election by manipulating the American people.

It isn’t just the blatant censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story that should outrage Americans. It’s also the blatant and unconstitutional censorship of information regarding Covid, another tool weaponized by the Left to influence the outcome of the election and exert authoritarian control. Big Government, Big Tech, and Big Media again colluded, this time to terrify and trick Americans into compliance. They carefully curated Covid information by silencing dissent, punishing noncompliance, and discouraging reasonable discourse, while simultaneously coordinating a massive propaganda campaign for their preferred Covid narratives and enacting unconstitutional policies.

Again, after years of this criminal collusion, we discovered that much of what we were told was false, and they knew it at the time. Again, we have yet to see any substantive accountability for those who were complicit in destroying our economy, damaging our youth, and restricting our freedoms. But what’s new?

Our nation was built upon a set of values and principles that both encourage and safeguard freedoms. These values are being targeted by corrupt authoritarians, as are the people in this country who represent and defend those values. It should terrify everyone to consider that if they can—and will—do this to Trump, they can—and will—do it to any American. That is why I am standing in defense of the Constitution, American freedom, and the fundamental values and principles which are essential to our nation’s greatness.

Unlike Rick Scott, who surrounds himself with never-Trumpers like Jeb Bush and refuses to defend those being targeted in the unconstitutional attacks and partisan manipulation campaigns of the last few years, I am determined to stand up to it all. We deserve a Senator who acts to protect these freedoms, not one who only wakes up to say the right things because it’s an election year. I will speak out in defense of those who are unjustly targeted and condemn the obvious corruption behind the attacks. I see the slippery slope of authoritarianism and I fear for the future of American freedom. While others play the games and toe the lines of politics, I will place myself squarely between this slippery authoritarian slope and my fellow Americans, in defense of the freedoms we so richly enjoy.