Monday, September 25, 2023

Biden Forced to Respond – State of the Race

The motive of the Biden trip to visit the striking UAW workers one day ahead of President Trump visiting Michigan is transparent.  However, the background of the issue is layers more interesting.

The narrative the engineers are trying to assemble, circles around a historic trip by Joe Biden to stand on the picket lines with striking auto workers. But it’s the overall collapse of support for Biden that looms larger.

The big picture problem for democrats is not that Biden is losing to Trump in the polls, but rather the scale of the loss.

Everyone knows the DNC and activist groups will trigger their ballot fraud operations in 2024, the problem for them is they can only lift so much through the fraud itself.

Yes, it is possible for the metropolitan counties of Philadelphia (PA), Wayne (MI), Clark (NV), Fulton (GA), Racine (WI) and Maricopa/Pinal (AZ) to each generate between 300,000 and 500,000 fraudulent ballots.  However, when contrast against the anticipated scale of the state loss, that might not be enough.

The democrats need a candidate who can lose at a much smaller statewide margin so that ballot fraud (absentee collection) in the corrupt counties can reach their goals.  Biden is not that candidate.

That sets up the dynamic where Biden support within the group who will be responsible for covering his deficits has become tenuous.  Remember, Eric Holder and the Chicago network organized the original ballot operation and tested it in California in 2018.  The two weeks after election day 2018 showed 21 GOP win seats on the day of election, flip through the use of the post-election ballot counting. That midterm test in CA was then rolled out nationally in 2020.

The counties that must be relied upon to sway the election are nervous about the scale of lift they will be required to provide. Within that tenuous situation, the ever ego-driven Obama network cannot accept that level of risk. Hence, Obama strategically retreats.

At the same time, the DC intelligence apparatus that needs to pretend the election is legit and support the fraud, is applying pressure on Biden to exit [See WaPo Poll].

The message from Main Justice, the DOJ-CRD and the DHS embeds is that too much fraud would be problematic to achieve.

Team Biden is fully aware of this dynamic, they need to close the gap – not defeat Trump – but close the election gap to a distance that can be successfully closed by the ballot harvesting and manipulation operations.  That’s the focus and impetus behind all of the Biden campaign operations; close the gap.

President Trump is working on gap-widening operations; meaning to push the scale of fraud to a level that cannot be achieved.  Unfortunately, his campaign is having to do the heavy lifting alone.  The people who organize and fund RNC operations do not want the RNC to do anything that would interfere with the ballot fraud operations carried out by the other wing of the two corporate clubs, the DNC.


The RNC is focused on the upcoming corporate debate using the Fox Business Network (Murdoch) and the Reagan Library (Bush Inc), an alignment of common interests.  When you stop pretending you realize that impeding DNC ballot fraud operations is against the RNC interests.

Thankfully, the traditional illusion of choice game is becoming so obvious that RNC base voters are eyes-wide-open.  When we first started talking about the UniParty on these pages twelve years ago, few could really understand what that system really entailed.  Now, thanks specifically to the sunlight that Donald Trump provided on the political system, the machinations of the two-party operation, a genuine Potemkin village, are transparently visible.

The RNC and DNC are funded by the same multinationals who identify the approved candidates.  Donald Trump is not an approved candidate for the interests of Wall Street, the multinational corporations, the globalists (writ large), or the Billionaire class who depend on trade and financial systems they control.

Joe Biden is going to Michigan because he needs to close the gap.  President Donald Trump is going to Michigan because he needs to widen the gap.

Just like Team Obama and the DC Administrative State, I do not think Biden can close the gap, and that frames my expectation that Biden will be replaced.

They don’t need a replacement that can win, they just need a replacement that can lose in key states by enough of a margin that can be covered by the ballot fraud operation.

Last point, within the billionaire wing of the Republican apparatus, they are now increasingly ambivalent about the GOP primary.  The main tone/theme that comes out of the circle of professionally GOP billionaires, is that Trump seems inevitable, Trump will likely win, but their failsafe is that a DC republican system will not allow Trump to have the power of the presidency.

We keep watching…