Saturday, August 12, 2023

WATCH: CNN Gets a Shock When They Venture out of Their Bubble and Talk to the American People

WATCH: CNN Gets a Shock When They Venture out of Their Bubble and Talk to the American People

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

CNN doesn’t seem to understand what the American people think.

They showed that again during a segment featuring John King talking with Americans in Iowa. The description from King shows just how clueless CNN is about the American people and what the support for former President Donald Trump is about.

King acknowledges the people don’t like CNN and that there’s “reverence for Ronald Reagan.” But then he paints them all as though they believe what they believe because they are somehow caught in the thrall of Trump.

“Reagan’s optimism, replaced by Trump’s grievances.” One guy says we have to find a way to take care of ourselves. King’s reaction? “Reagan’s disdain of big government replaced by Trump’s distrust of just about everything.” How dare they think that the prosecutions of Trump are politically motivated just because they’ve seen how everything has rolled out since the Russia collusion hoax? For shame, you silly cultists! The capper that shows how delusional these folks are? Not one hand goes up when he asks if they “support Ukraine in the fight against Putin.”

One guy has the unbridled temerity to question how our money was being spent, that so much was being poured out to Ukraine. As we reported, there are all kinds of questions about accountability, but Biden wants to pour out billions more. How dare this audacious Republican ask a question that perhaps CNN, those pearls of journalism, should be asking? King questions the speculation that Biden might be funneling money to cover up things, “That’s out there.”

Another man asks, “How do you trust,” given the censorship that has gone on from the government. We saw that revealed in things like the Twitter Files and the shutting down of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

“A few days here makes clear Trump’s grip is very strong,” John King intones ominously at the end of the clip.

Back in the studio, King then relates his experience with the folks in Iowa to Dana Bash. It’s sort of epic how clueless he is. He thinks he’s sticking up for the people he just put down as being in the grip of Trump.

Listening to Republican voters who are skeptical of support for Ukraine is “like watching the open of an old Tucker Carlson show,” King said.

He said some on the left want to call them “deplorable” — but “there are millions of them!”

“They’re good people…They go to Church! But they believe things that would break our fact-check machine,” King despaired. “And they don’t trust us! They think we’re part of the problem!” Bingo.

Bash continued, then blaming conservative media for these poor deluded people.

Bash said what struck her in “my gut, in my heart, was just how seeped in these completely conspiratorial questions and, and thoughts are in the zeitgeist, particularly when you are talking to Republicans who consume conservative media who don’t tell them the whole truth.”

Have they checked the mirror lately when they talk about seeped-in conspiracies? That’s pretty laughable that they would talk about what anyone else is consuming. What is their “fact-check machine” worth? What did they shovel at people for years about Trump and Russia collusion? The folks in Iowa think, “You’re part of the problem” because they’re right — you are. Millions of people believing false Russia collusion lies doesn’t seem to be a problem to CNN; the problem is those raising questions about it, asking what that means about media and their government.

CNN doesn’t seem to think there should be people with different thoughts from what they at CNN believe — these people are deluded because they have “wrong think.” That’s a dangerous media thought right there — you should be thinking as we preach. Far be it from CNN to check the facts about why these people might believe as they do.

CNN is even wrong about them when it comes to Trump. They paint Trump as having some kind of control over these people. Yet indeed, it’s sort of the other way around — Trump is a result of their thought, not the instigator or the controller. He resonates because of the problems they see. Plus, his policies beat the heck out of Democratic policies in a heartbeat.

Maybe CNN should consider that the problem isn’t with the people, that, indeed, the problem is theirs. When you lock yourself away in a liberal media bubble and act like Democratic operatives, you’re bound to fall out of touch with the American people, and that’s where CNN is now. That’s why people don’t trust them.

Is there any better example of the bubble than their two recent hires?

And they wonder why the American people don’t trust them.