Thursday, August 31, 2023

This Is What Happens When There Are No Consequences—Mall Brawls Break out Across America

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Chaos broke out at several shopping malls across the U.S. last weekend as $4 movie tickets for “National Cinema Day” brought out marauding teens in force. California was particularly hard hit, as mass fights broke out at the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance (about 20 south of Los Angeles), while another incident involving hundreds of teens occurred in the San Francisco Bay city of Emeryville.

If you’ve ever wondered whether things are going in the wrong direction in this country, here’s your proof. Torrance:

And here’s Emeryville:

These weren’t the only instances of the breakdown of public order:

A violent brawl that broke out in a mall in Emeryville involving hundreds of teens was one of several similar incidents that occurred across the country Sunday. In Emeryville, one teen was stabbed and a gunshot was fired in connection to incidents that saw hundreds of teens descend on Bay Street Mall Sunday and engage in fights and disturbances inside stores.

The incident bore strong similarities to incidents on Sunday in Southern California, Washington state and Albany, New York.

Sometimes, we read the news, and it all seems far away—things happening to other people. But in more mall mayhem, nine masked men attacked a tony Sherman Oaks, CA mall last week and took whatever they wanted.

This isn’t far from where I live. I take my kids to the food court there all the time:

Perhaps I should cook at home in the future?

Why is this happening? Is this the America you remember, or has it turned into some sort of dystopian, crime-ridden nightmare where you risk your life by stopping at the 7-Eleven? I would argue that, at least in some areas, the latter is the case.  

Criminals feel they can do what they want, and unfortunately, they’re right. Here in California, Proposition 47 turned sanity on its head as it turned many felonies into misdemeanors. What does that mean in practice? Steal less than $950, and you get a slap on the wrist. What do the crooks who hit up my local mall have to fear? Nothing.

They know that in the off-chance they are arrested, they will be back on the streets in minutes, thanks to one of the worst of the woke District Attorneys our country is subjected to, Los Angeles’ own George Gascón. 

Says some weird website called "MyProp47":

On November 4, 2014, California voters passed Proposition 47, a law that changed certain low-level crimes from potential felonies to misdemeanors. The savings from reduced incarceration costs will be invested into drug and mental health treatment, programs for at-risk students in K-12 schools, and victim services. 

How’s that working out for you, exactly?

And guess who co-authored Prop 47, laughably called “The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act?” You guessed it, criminal apologist George Gascón. 

The uptick in mayhem we see across so many segments of society is not hard to explain—Democrat politicians decided that it was “unjust” to prosecute criminals, that police were bad, and that victims were an underclass—probably "privileged" and deserving of their fate.  

Until we get back to the notion that criminal behavior must be punished, we will see more and more of this type of insanity.