Thursday, August 10, 2023

Responses to Biden Bank Records Revelation Are a 'Walls Closing In' Moment

Responses to Biden Bank Records Revelation Are a 'Walls Closing In' Moment

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

As RedState reported on Wednesday morning, Rep. James Comer, who is leading the investigation into the Biden family’s influence-peddling scheme, released bank records that furthered the scandal.

According to the documents, the total amount of money raked in by the Bidens, some of it while Joe Biden was vice president, totals over $20 million. The latest disclosures show payments from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. What was Hunter Biden selling to receive such huge sums of money? The answer seems obvious.

As Comer’s latest memo on the bank records stated, “the brand” was the only product the Bidens sold. Sure enough, it was in high demand among those who just so happened to be in need of American political influence.

Further, Comer’s memo went on to note that these payments weren’t divorced from Joe Biden. Rather, the now-president met for significant periods of time with all of the oligarchs mentioned. I’m sure they were just talking about the weather, though.

“Then-Vice President Biden met—in person, for significant periods of time—with those individuals or their representatives,” the memo states. “Then-Vice President Biden joined approximately 20 phone calls on speakerphone with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates and attended dinners with foreign oligarchs who paid huge sums of money to Hunter Biden. Joe Biden, ‘the brand,’ was the only product the Bidens sold.”

It wasn’t long before the responses from Biden allies started to roll in. Here’s Kate Berner, who resigned as deputy director of communications for the White House in late May, saying just a little too much for her own good. The assumption is that she will soon have a role in Biden’s re-election campaign.

Welp, there go the goalposts again. Just to be clear, we are now at the point where Democrats are essentially saying, “Yeah, oligarchs and various criminals shoveled $20 million into the Biden family coffers while Joe Biden spoke with those people and even met with them in person, but that’s not proof of anything.”

As the president likes to state, “Come on, man.” The corruption is lying right out in the open. It’s not even ambiguous anymore. Hunter Biden was the bagman for the family, setting up deals to sell influence, while Biden was quick to give his son’s “business associates” personal access. You don’t just accidentally meet with the vice president after paying his son millions of dollars, nor does a vice president appear on the phone during a business meeting for no reason.

This is the literal definition of a “walls are closing in” moment. The story keeps changing, and the room keeps getting smaller. Does that mean the DOJ is going to get involved? Of course, it won’t. Not in its current state. But we are getting closer and closer to having this scandal blown wide open. That’s something for House Republicans to be proud of. They’ve covered a ton of ground over the last six months. None of this stuff comes easy. It takes hundreds of hours of research, gathering testimony, and subpoenaing records.

The Bidens are caught. They know they are caught. It’s just a matter of how deep the rabbit hole goes.