Thursday, August 10, 2023

New Report Raises Question About What Devon Archer Told Congress, Connection to BHR Partners

New Report Raises Question About What Devon Archer Told Congress, Connection to BHR Partners

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Devon Archer gave some testimony last week behind closed doors to the House Oversight Committee. He confirmed some important things, including Joe Biden being put on the speakerphone during meetings, that Biden was “the brand” that was being sold. He also confirmed that $3.5 million from Yelena Baturina went to a firm co-owned by him and Hunter. He said that Burisma would likely have gone under without the involvement of the “brand.” He also confirmed dinners and other meetings that Joe Biden had with his son’s business associates; he said that they wanted Hunter Biden to help relieve the pressure from the prosecutors.

Archer went even further in his interview with Tucker Carlson, saying the Democratic spin on the matter was “categorically false”—that Joe Biden “had no role whatsoever in his son’s business or knowledge of it.” He said the prosecutor was a “threat,” and he agreed Joe Biden had been involved in the prosecutor’s firing.

But one has to think Archer has a lot of information. Was he holding anything back, or not offering things if they didn’t ask the right questions?

According to a new report from Breitbart based on emails from Marco Polo (the organization/site that has a repository of the laptop information and other related Biden information), there’s one piece of information that Archer allegedly didn’t tell the House Oversight Committee — that his wife still had an interest in BHR Partners, the Chinese government-connected company. Not only that, but he’s “managing” his wife’s interest, according to the report — information seemed to be going through him, according to recent emails.

We would note that this information comes from Breitbart; we have not been able to independently confirm these new emails.

Archer used to be on the board but left in 2016 and gave his wife his 10 percent interest. But instead of talking with his wife about the company, in March 2023, BHR Partners executive Heng-Yin Zhang had an email correspondence with Devon Archer about the restricting of board seats, asking about input on board changes. The email is “Explanation on the Proposed Amendment of the Number of the Directors of the Board.”

Hi Devon,

Hope all is well. The proposed equity transfer is underway and we expect a completed transaction after the registration work is done with the Shanghai filing bureau. We will get Alex’s name off as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the management team would like to propose a few admendments regarding the struture of the board of directors as a result of the shareholder change. Please refer to the attachement for details. In particular, the management team would like to change the number of board seats from 11 to 7 now that the company has one less shareholder, i.e. Bohai Fund. As a result, 2 board seats shall be assigned to Ulysses, Thornton, and Skaneateles collectively. Since Alex will be taken off, Ulysses is no longer required to appoint a replacement. If you agree with not appointing any director to the board on behalf of Ulysses, we will proceed with our filing work as is. Regardless of the board composition, you will be well informed and assisted on the board level as usual.

In order to complete the amendments of the company’s bylaws, later we will send you the documents neede for signing. Thank you in advance for your kind help and understanding.

Warm regards,


Then you can see the back-and-forth correspondence.

So, assuming that nothing has changed since March, there would still have a connection. The House Oversight Committee should be asking about this; he told the Committee that he left the board in 2016. This also has to make one wonder what else is there that he might not have said. With that, and the new bank records that just dropped, the Committee is going to be very busy.