Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New Peer Reviewed Study Finds Pfizer Jab Causes Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) and information on Mask Nano technologies

This is a must watch video for those who want to give an hour of their time to see where the science has gone on independent peer reviewed studies on the covid vaccines.

Below is a comment I made on the video on the site I came across a post of this video:

 That was an excellent video. The fact he hit on a lot of these studies as having been peer reviewed shows the progress being made among a larger segment of the scientific community in consensus which negates a singular study/doctor/scientist as being of quack science. The one thing on the mask being full of toxic compounds isn't just based on microbes that can accumulate or the use of polypropylene plastic or fabric but what many aren't aware of is when the mask is stated as being antibacterial or UV Anti Bacteria it means the use of graphene oxide and titanium dioxide broken down into nano particles applied into the polypropylene that creates it's antimicrobial agent(s). The fact he showed how they can fray means people are breathing into their lungs graphene oxide and/or titanium dioxide. I was working on an op on it and got distracted with something else, that is the point where I left off, learning how the inner mask was being assembled using those ingredients.

The above picture is a picture of packaging from a type of mask you should be highly skeptical of if you are choosing to wear a mask.  The UV Anti Bacteria, along with the word Bio Packing would be an indication of a mask being made using titanium dioxide.  The one thing I noticed while working on the op I was going to produce is that researching mask in the stores for what is listed as the antimicrobial there is no such listing which is highly suspicious.  There wasn't one mask or box of mask I picked up and look at that stated what made them antimicrobial.  These mask are suppose to kill bacterial agents, cloth, paper or polypropylene plastic or fabric alone doesn't kill bacteria.  How they can get FDA approval and be ISO certified is beyond me without stating what exactly in the masks makes them kill bacteria. 

If you want to read concerns from the medical community on mask containing nano particle technology and the need to regulate the industry here is one such article:

Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control