Wednesday, August 16, 2023

New Hampshire Poll – Trump Dominates, DeSantis Slips to Single Digits Behind Chris Christie

Donald Trump continues to dominate the field in New Hampshire, with the competition for first loser position taking shape.  At this point, none of the other GOP candidates are in a position to win any delegates, and the second highest polling lane is Undecided with 13%.

Undecided passed by I Don’t Know shortly before the Iowa fair.  Apparently, putting sticks in eggs as a skill exhibited by the Florida governor was not enough to convince the Live Free or Die people of his leadership.  It seems Chris Christie, who did not need the optics of being surrounded by multiple food stalls, benefited the most since the last poll within New Hampshire.  [DATA HERE]

Together with the 8% egg handler, Mike “I don’t care” Pence seems to have lost the most support in New Hampshire, dropping to 1%, and will now put all his efforts into Iowa. Randhawa and Ramaswamy are holding steady at 4% and 3% respectively. Lisa Murkowski’s BFF is smiling big with 6% hoping to catch the meatball.

New Hampshire – […]  Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie surpassed DeSantis for second-place in the Republican field: 9% of voters support his 2024 bid, while 8% support DeSantis. 

“DeSantis has been the alternative to Trump in Emerson polling this presidential cycle. This is the first time we have seen DeSantis drop out of second place in our polling, and fall back into the pack of candidates,” Kimball said. (link)