Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Masks and Jabs – I Will Not Comply

We cannot again surrender our 
constitutionally guaranteed freedoms

There is an old Chinese curse that loosely translates to “may you live in interesting times.” It seems that today, we certainly do.  

We have a former president who is being persecuted by his political opponents, facing four different indictments, and more than 90 felony charges, which, if convicted on all counts, would essentially be a death sentence.

We have a sitting president who appears to be both corrupt and “owned” by foreign powers, given what the investigation of House Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer has uncovered: bribe taking, influence peddling, a plethora of shell companies, unexplained bank accounts, email accounts under multiple pseudonyms, and apparent coordination with the Department of Justice in the persecution of former President Trump.

President Biden desperately needs a distraction. Something, anything that will take the focus away from his mounting scandals, his failing physical and mental health, and the general malaise the nation is feeling. He needs something fast, before the election. Something to ensure that he is reelected to serve as someone’s puppet president. They have found it. COVID and mask mandates.

Several institutions have quietly reinstated mask mandates, including two major hospitals in New York, health care company Kaiser Permanente, for its Santa Rosa, California facilities, movie studio Lionsgate and a small liberal arts college in Georgia. That college, Morris Brown College, also limits events on campus.

What is “technically” driving this return to the forced masking of people? Health authorities are tracking the spread of three new COVID-19 variants, now spreading across the country.  Levels of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths have been climbing steadily for the past several weeks.

There were a total of 10,320 patients in the United States who were newly hospitalized with COVID the week ending August 5, 2023, an increase of 12.3% from the week before. Levels remain far below the summer peak that “strained hospitals at this time last year, when 42,813 admissions were reported the week of August 6, 2022.” But that was before the 2024 presidential election cycle had begun, so there was no discussion of mask mandates.

By comparison, approximately 1 million adults in the U.S. seek hospital care due to pneumonia every year, and 50,000 die from the illness each year. That equates to 19,231 hospitalizations and 962 deaths from pneumonia each week…with no discussion of a national emergency, no lockdowns, no mask mandates.

On Friday, August 25, President Biden said he is planning to request more money from Congress to “develop another new coronavirus vaccine.” He stated, “I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.” He added that it is “tentatively” recommended “that everybody get it,” once the shots are ready.

I wonder how much of this has to do with the fact the Pfizer’s stock price is down by more than $14 this year, falling from $51.26 on January 3 to $36.38 on Friday, August 25, a decrease of nearly 30%. Moderna’s stock is down nearly 38% year to date.

So, we are in a situation where the president’s poll numbers are in the toilet, his political rival has never been more popular, despite four indictments, big pharma is seeing its market value erode in record proportions, and now COVID is back. Corporate media friendly to the Biden administration are also calling for people to mask.

I will not mask. I will not take the jab. We cannot have a repeat of 2020 and 2021 where we all readily gave up our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and empowered the government. I will not comply.