Friday, August 11, 2023

Love Gives You Blinders

No matter the evidence linking Joe Biden to corruption, 
the love-struck media will look the other way

posted by Dianny at SweetMercifulZeus

Last week, right-leaning websites blasted the American corporate media for downplaying the revelations from Hunter's business partner Devon Archer's closed-door testimony before the Oversight Committee last Monday.

But I don’t know why they bother.

The media’s job is to turn a blind eye to Democrat corruption.

In his testimony, Archer revealed that Hunter placed his father on speakerphone to chat with his prospective business associates about 20 times.

Rather than acknowledge that Joe Biden has repeatedly lied about having any involvement in his son's foreign business dealings, the media latched onto Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman's spin to portray the revelation as a great, big nothing burger.

They were casual conversations, the media reported. They only talked about the weather. No business was discussed.

The media also claimed that Archer told the Oversight Committee that Hunter was selling the "illusion" of influence, only Archer wasn’t the one who said that during the hearing. According to the transcript, Dan Goldman was the one who said it.

But the facts are irrelevant. Goldman's protestations were enough for the media to turn a blind eye to what Archer revealed.

Any thinking person would hear about those phone calls and conclude that Hunter and his dad were sending the clear message that the ear of Joe Biden is part of what they’re paying for.

Yesterday, Oversight Committee Chair James Comer released a memo showing that when Joe Biden was vice president, the Biden family and their associates raked in more than $20 million from countries like Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

The desperate media quickly pointed out that the memo did not show any of that money going directly to Joe Biden.


There are plenty of indirect routes that money could take on its way to the Big Guy.

According to an April 2022 report in the New York Post, Hunter Biden frequently paid the family's expenses and admitted to giving part of his salary to Joe.

In one text message to his daughter Naomi, Hunter told her, that "unlike pop [AKA Joe], I won't make you give me half your salary."

While no foreign payment went directly to Joe Biden, it is entirely plausible that Joe got a share of what was directly sent to Hunter.

And what he didn't get in cash, Joe got in expenses.

As the New York Post reported:

The expenses are spelled out in an email to Hunter from business partner Eric Schwerin from June 5, 2010, titled “JRB Bills.” They concerned the upkeep of Joe Biden’s palatial lakefront home in the wealthy Greenville enclave of Wilmington, Del. JRB are President Biden’s initials.

There were $1,239 in repairs to an air conditioner at “mom-mom’s cottage,” and another $1,475 to a painter for “back wall and columns at the lake house.” There was also another $2,600 for fixing up a “stone retaining wall at the lake” and $475 “for shutters.”

But unless there is photographic evidence of a foreign oligarch showing up at Biden's Wilmington house carrying a canvas bag with a great big dollar sign on the side, the news media will pretend this gun isn't smoking.

The media will also ignore the mounting evidence that foreign business associates were paying Hunter that money in exchange for Joe Biden's ear.

According to Comer's memo, shortly before being invited to dine with then-Vice President Joe Biden at DC's posh Café Milano in 2014, Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina wired $3.5 million to Hunter's firm Rosemont Seneca.

Was dinner with The Big Guy a reward for forking over $3.5 million?

Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

I mean, they just talked about the weather, right?

As a side note, did you know that Yelena Baturina is one of the few Russian oligarchs the Biden administration has not sanctioned since Russia invaded Ukraine?


Again, probably just a coincidence.

There's no point heading down the "Imagine if the Trumps" cul-de-sac.

We all know that the same reporters and news outlets acting like nit-picking pillocks over James Comer's investigation spent four years happily lapping up every silly claim from Adam Schiff.

It isn't hypocrisy.

In both cases, the media is equally mission-focused.

During the Trump presidency, the media's mission was to take Trump down no matter what. And, by golly, they stuck to their mission even when doing so meant ending up looking like gormless prats.

Today, the media's mission is to protect Joe Biden no matter what. 

And once again, these guys are so committed to their mission that they are willing to ignore flashing red flags and deafening klaxons.

Is it frustrating?

Hell, yeah. It's frustrating.

Is it surprising?

Not even a little.

Jesse Kelly often tells the furious Trump supporters who lose their marbles whenever he utters even the mildest criticism of their guy that they're only upset because "you're in love and love gives you blinders."

The same thing can be said of the American corporate media.

Admittedly, the media doesn't love Biden as much as Trump fans love Donald Trump. Hell, nobody loves anything as much as Trump fans love Donald Trump.

But as the old saying goes, ya gotta dance with the one that brung ya.

It's a marriage of convenience.

Joe Biden is the only ticket in town. For good or ill, the corporate media is stuck with him if they want to ensure that the Republicans don't win.

And if that means turning a blind eye to evidence of corruption, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors, then so be it.