Monday, August 14, 2023

Hunter's Lawyer Blames ‘Every MAGA Right-Wing’ Fanatic for Sweetheart Plea Deal Failing

Hunter Biden Lawyer Abbe Lowell Blames ‘Every MAGA Right-Wing’ Fanatic for Plea Deal Fail

Neil W. McCabe reporting for RedState 

The attorney for presidential son Hunter Biden told CNN hostess Kaitlin Collins Friday night that crazy President Donald J. Trump supporters are why federal Judge Maryellen Noreika did not approve his client’s plea agreement and why Attorney General Merrick Garland made Delaware US Attorney David Weiss a special counsel in the Biden investigation and prosecution.

“From the moment this arrangement and agreement has been announced and filed, you have every MAGA right-wing, fanatical person, yelling, and screaming, and saying: ‘It’s not right, and it’s not fair, and it’s not just,’” said Abbe Lowell, Washington’s premier defense attorney and fixer of legal entanglements.

Lowell, who has represented Jared Kushner, former congressman Gary Condit, and President William J. Clinton during his 1998 impeachment proceedings, also blamed Trump.

“You have the former president trying to use Hunter Biden as a way to excuse his own conduct,” he said. “At some point, that could pierce; the noise could actually be so noisy that it’d get in the way of the facts and the law.”

Then, Lowell sent a shot across Weiss’ bow: “I am confident that a responsible prosecutor would not let that happen, and we’ll just have to wait and see.”

Collins, the host of “The Source,” pressed the attorney on his client’s exposure to more charges from Weiss after the federal judge rejected the plea deal presented to the judge July 26 between Biden and Weiss, now that Weiss has more authority and another layer of independence.

“These investigations have a way of ballooning and taking tacks that they did not initially have,” Collins said.

“Can you say with certainty that based on what you know, there’s no possibility that any of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings will, in any way, connect back to his father, the president?” she asked. President Joseph R. Biden has denied participating in his son’s businesses.

Lowell said Weiss and the Justice Department have investigated his client for five years and have yet to come up with anything concrete.

“Well, let’s start with the latter,” he said.

“You’ve had dozens of members of Congress and their staff; you’ve had a dozen members of right-wing media, picking and trying to find the connection between Hunter and his business,” he said.

“They have come up with nothing because there’s nothing to come up with,” he said.

Lowell said it should not matter that Weiss is now a special counsel because he and Garland have said there were no restrictions on Weiss taking the investigations and prosecutions wherever he wanted to go, so nothing has changed.

“David Weiss was in charge of the investigation last year, the year before that, and the year before that,” he said.

“He is in charge of the investigation today and tomorrow. He has a new title. His powers, in our view, are the same,” he said. “The evidence hasn’t changed. The law hasn’t changed.”

Lowell’s view of the matter operates from the perspective that whistleblowers have not testified that political appointees have manipulated the investigation into the president’s son–but they have.

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley testified to the House Ways and Means Committee that he and others heard Weiss tell them that DOJ leadership was reining him in and restraining his ability to conduct a thorough investigation.

As Lowell takes leadership of the Biden legal team, it is his job to freeze Weiss, as he seemed to suggest that Weiss would be a fool to suddenly find wrongdoing now. Lowell told Collins that there was no justification for new charges.

The lawyer said after five years, a Republican attorney general and a Republican US attorney and career prosecutors came up with the only appropriate charges. “Not any of the other things that the MAGA right-wing have been yelling, from money laundering to foreign corruption, to foreign agent, none of that.”

Lowell said the only charges should be the current charges.

“This is not a new special counsel. This is an investigation that’s gone on for five years, leading to only those particular charges, so how should it be different tomorrow? It shouldn’t be,” he said.

“Two misdemeanor failure to file charges, and a diverted gun charge, for the 11 days that Hunter possessed a gun.”