Sunday, August 13, 2023

Fox Appointed to Guard the Henhouse

That'll keep the chickens from coming home to roost

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

On Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed US Attorney David Weiss of Delaware as special counsel to investigate Hunter's dirty business deals, effectively shielding Weiss from testifying to the House about how the Justice Department slow-walked and obstructed the investigation into Hunter's dirty business deals.

Isn't that convenient?

One could almost conclude that Merrick Garland is trying to slow-walk and obstruct the investigation into Hunter's dirty business deals.

I was under the impression that a special counsel has to be someone independent of the federal government.

Every other recent special counsel was an attorney no longer serving in the Justice Department or the federal government.

Mueller was outside. Durham was outside. So is Jack Smith.

Even Robert Hur, the special counsel appointed to run the investigation into the classified documents kept by Joe Biden, is a former US attorney, not a current one.

So why did Merrick Garland appoint current US Attorney for Delaware David Weiss?

I thought the point of a special counsel is to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Shouldn’t Garland appoint someone who isn't accused of helping to obstruct the very investigation Garland appointed him to oversee?

Weiss was in charge when prosecutors in the US Attorney's Office in Delaware negotiated that ridiculous plea deal so Hunter could avoid prison.

This is like appointing the fox to guard the henhouse.

In his announcement yesterday, Garland claimed appointing Weiss "reinforces for the American people the department's commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters."

As one criminal defense attorney said on Twitter (sorry, X):

Appointing the U.S. Attorney, whose office gave the court-scrutinized deal to Hunter, as Special Counsel is quite literally the exact opposite of independence and accountability.

While appearing on Fox News yesterday, former US Attorney Andy McCarthy called this special counsel investigation a "sham" and suggested that Garland appointed Weiss to ensure that the Justice Department is "maintaining control of an investigation that they are not pursuing."

And according to McCarthy, I was right. A special counsel is supposed to be "brought in from outside the United States government.”

I don't care how many conservatives despise Mitch McConnell. I am forever grateful that he blocked Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court.

Garland is a political hitman, targeting the president's opponents while bending over backward to protect his corrupt boss.

He makes Eric Holder look even-handed and politically neutral, and that's not an easy feat.

The media keeps referring to David Weiss as a "Trump appointee" as if that makes a difference.

Trump appointed a lot of terrible people.

Christopher Wray and Gen. Mark Milley were Trump appointees too.

If Merrick Garland wanted an independent investigation into the Biden family, he should not have chosen the guy who spent years letting the Justice Department call the shots.

This stinks to high heaven.

Then again, everything about the Merrick Garland Justice Department is malodorous.

The goal is to run out the clock while making it harder for Republicans in the House to investigate the Biden family's influence peddling.

And no, it isn't shocking that Garland would do that.

What's shocking is that he is so "in your face" about it.

Then again, when you know that you have the entire System, from the government to the media, backing your every move, there's no need to hide your partisan hackery.