Sunday, August 13, 2023

Defending the Texas Border Means Defying Joe Biden

Texas Border enforcement has become a cat-and-mouse game with the federal government

As the State of Texas attempts to secure its border and stop the invasion of illegal aliens that are flooding our state, the majority of the pushback isn’t coming from the narcoterrorist cartels who have complete operational control of the border region—it’s coming from Joe Biden.

Since Gov. Greg Abbott tapped former Border Patrol agent Mike Banks to lead Operation Lone Star, Texas Department of Public Safety officers, members of the Texas National Guard, and other members of the state’s response team have been working to secure the Texas Border and prevent illegal entry only to see their work undermined by U.S. Border Patrol officers who admit illegal aliens into Texas on Joe Biden’s orders.

Over the past several months, Texas Border enforcement has become a cat-and-mouse game between Texas and the federal government.

Texas law enforcement closes a gate to prevent illegals from coming in, their federal counterparts open it back up. The federal government builds a new illegal alien processing camp, Texas lays concertina wire to block access to it.The latest move by Texas is the installation of a marine barrier comprised of a string of buoys that block off sections of the Rio Grande River, and the latest response by Democrat President Joe Biden is to sue the State of Texas in federal court and demand they be removed.

It’s all part of what the Center for Immigration Studies’ Todd Bensman calls a “Cold Border War.”

“It’s become a war: Texas actually enforcing the law, and the Biden administration fighting it at every step,” wrote Bensman in the New York Post.

To his credit, Abbott should be commended for doing more than any other governor, but he’s also had to deal with a far more serious crisis than any other governor.

Since Joe Biden took office and reversed much of the Trump administration’s actions to deter illegal crossings, Title 42, Remain in Mexico, etc., the result has been what can only be described as an invasion.

Since 2021, more than 8 million illegal aliens have entered the United States. Not only has President Joe Biden refused to deploy resources necessary to secure the Texas Border, but he has actually aided and abetted illegal aliens in coming to Texas.

Increasingly, the Biden administration has been using the CBP One app to enable foreign nationals in Mexico to sign up for a bus ride into the United States. This strategy of funneling illegal aliens through ports of entry is a means of concealing the scale of the border crisis. These brazen actions plainly contradict federal immigration law, but by the time one parole scheme is struck down in court, another is created in its place.

The Biden administration’s abuse of the asylum process, removal of barriers erected by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and latest legal efforts to stop Texas from securing its own border make clear it is time for Texas to take its security into its own hands.

In his communications with Biden, Abbott has rightfully accused the president of violating Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution which charges the federal government with defending the States from invasion.

“Your ongoing violation of Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution has left me no other choice,” Abbott wrote to Biden last week in defense of his maritime border installation.

Abbott is entirely correct. Given the continued deterioration of the Texas Border he’s been forced to surge thousands of law enforcement officers and spend millions of Texas taxpayer dollars on border barriers to stem the flow of illegal aliens.

But he can’t stop there.

Joe Biden’s decision to betray his oath of office, facilitate the invasion of our state, and prosecute the State of Texas for the alleged crime of defending herself should be cause for greater escalation by the Lone Star State.

Joe Biden has made it clear he has no intention of securing the Texas Border. The Governor of Texas has a moral, statutory, and constitutional duty to protect citizens from foreign invasion. It’s time for Abbott to do so.

The safety and sovereignty of Texas citizens should not be resigned to waiting for a complicated judicial process or a change in presidential administrations. Instead of telling the president to see him in court, the commander-in-chief of the Texas Military Forces should dare the federal government to meet him at the Rio Grande.