Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Core Jonah Goldberg, the Biggest Problem for the Republican Party Is That We Still Permit Voting

Sometimes revealing a communist is a little like taking off a Band-Aid. You’ve got to pick at the edges a little bit until you can get enough gripped to rip it off.

It has been a decade since Jonah Goldberg and I had our back-and-forth editorial debate about “modern republicanism.”  [He lost both a massive number of readers and credibility.] In the years since, we are both exactly the same people; the only difference is – his mask has completely dropped and he’s no longer pretending.

In this brutally perfect appearance on his new network gig, CNN, Jonah Goldberg, the pontificating pustule of totalitarian elitism, declares the “small donor” influence in the Republican Party, ie. MAGA and working class grassroots support, is the problem for those (private club) corporate officers who have high-minded control.

...”I just also think that we are dealing with a time, where for a lot of people, there’s a lot of people cheering and self-congratulation about the rise of small donors a decade ago. And now small donors are actually one of the biggest problems for, well, democracy in the GOP. Because, um, large donors have a strategic view about moderation, who can win and who can’t. Small donors really are just venting their spleen with their credit card, and they lock candidates into positions that can hurt them in the general election.”…

There is a particular brand of GOPe hypocrisy around a worldview that spouts unbridled capitalism as the solution to all the economic woes [NOTE: in reality, they really don’t believe that, but they pretend not to be advocates of massive conglomerate corporatism], and yet they rail against the unwashed masses having a voice in the democratic process.

As our “Last Refuge” of liberty noted years ago, the ushers in conservative media were/are really closeted communists. Identically aligned and elite minded sanctimonious frauds, loading sheep onto intellectual cattle cars. The professional Republicans don’t believe in conserving anything other than the power structure that produces their affluence and influence.

Peel the skin off a professional Republican, and you will find a communist demanding you sit quietly, then insert vote, pull lever, take your pellet, shut up and leave the building.  That’s who they are.

The best, and I do mean absolutely the best and greatest thing about Donald J. Trump, is how he forced all the professional Republican snipers to reveal their positions.

… “Don’t worry. We got this. We just need to convince the part of the crowd carrying the pitchforks, that the part of the crowd carrying the torches are trying to take their pitchforks away.“…

…”You organize Goldberg, Levin, Shapiro, Horowitz, Ingraham, Solomon, Hannity, Loesch and Beck.  While we organize, Brennan, Stephanopoulos, Cooper, Burnett, Collins, Tapper, Maddow, Bash and Todd”…