Thursday, August 17, 2023

Breaking Trump, Breaking America

My wife was watching television this morning as I was getting coffee and, somewhat shocked, asked me if I'd seen that Trump had been indicted again. She's not very political, and on days like today, I envy her. She asked me if they could actually harm Trump this time and if he was actually going to jail. My answer could be summed up as "yes, but actually no."

Like Alvin Bragg before her, Fulton County DA Fani Willis is attempting to shoot a one-inch target from 500 yards away using iron sights. As my colleague, Joe Cunningham noted in his own article on Tuesday, Willis is attempting to use RICO to prove Trump's underlings attempted to advance his criminal conspiracy that the election was illegitimate while he knew it was legit all along. In order to make that claim, she has to prove that Trump never truly thought the election was stolen, which is going to be a tough sell as Cunningham notes: 

She also has to prove that Trump didn't think the election was stolen, which might be quite the uphill battle. If Trump is able to convince jurors that he was following the advice of lawyers and really did believe that the election was stolen, that's a blow to the DA's case that she can't recover from. The entire premise of the indictment is that Trump was planning before Election Day to claim the election was stolen, and suggesting that this fact is enough to prove he intended to steal the election in Georgia regardless of what happened. 

If she can't prove that, then nothing else sticks. If Trump says he was led to believe that because of what these lawyers and activists in his inner circle convinced him that was going to happen, the case is weaker. He, in his defense, will make himself out to be a person attempting to stop fraud.

I'll be surprised if this case gets too far, but let's face facts, it was never about the case. As RedState's Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar wrote in her own piece on Tuesday, Willis is up for reelection and nothing would make her look better to her voters than being in the national spotlight taking that dastardly Orange Hitler in court for his election denial. Willis has gone all out, appearing nightly on national programs talking about this case, and even created some new headshots for good measure. 

But while Willis is getting the Democrat equivalent of her 15 minutes, her campaign is hardly the focal point. These legal attacks on Trump aren't rare. In fact, they've become something of an old Democrat pastime. From Nancy Pelosi to Jack Smith and Willis, issuing forth damaging legal troubles to Trump with sincere solemnity I've seen better acted out in porn films is just another Tuesday. 

This won't stop...because it can't stop. The Democrat Party's safety rides on it. 

The Daily Caller's Mike Davis noted something in his own opinion piece about this latest Trump drama that caught my attention: 

There’s no questioning that Willis is acting as a foot soldier for Biden’s Democrat Party and its active lawfare campaign against Trump.

One of the so-called “fake electors” that Willis is reportedly investigating is Georgia Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones, a Republican. Willis had the audacity to hold a fundraiser for Jones’ political opponent while investigating him. A judge subsequently barred her from investigating Jones.

Like Smith and Bragg, Willis is brazen in her mission to use the justice system to take out Republicans. These Democrat prosecutors do not worry about the appearance of impropriety. They don’t fear any consequences because there haven’t been any.

That this is all an attempt to break Trump's financial back and keep him from fully running a campaign for reelection in 2024 is pretty obvious. This isn't about law and order. If they truly did care about law and order, then the Bidens would be neck-deep in so many legal troubles that Democrats would have already forced Joe to resign. 

They're doing this because Trump is, as of this writing, Biden's chief political rival. Not only that, this chief political rival already made his intentions clear about what he wants to do in an all-caps post on Truth Social should he win back the White House. 

"If you go after me, I'm coming after you!" 

But I would say this trouble goes far deeper. Davis's last sentence in the above quote is what really gets my hair standing on end because it's the crux of our nation's problem. 

"They don’t fear any consequences because there haven’t been any," wrote Davis.

Democrats have been taught that they can wage lawfare against their political opponents with reckless abandon because no one has truly tried to stop them. Republicans have yet to truly strike back at what is clearly a politically charged and corruption-filled use of our justice system in order to secure their own money, influence, and power. Moreover, they will continue to do it with no fear. 

This makes Trump's threat a campaign promise and one that is going to be incredibly attractive to voters. 

The issue is that I don't really see Republicans taking this position, and that worries me. We can all see the blatant use of the legal system to punish opponents of the Democrat Party, and yet Republicans have yet to truly promise any retribution. They just continue to stand back and wag their fingers at the proceedings. 

The breaking of Trump is the breaking of America. It's proof positive that resisting the left can and will result in punishments. You will be buried in legal troubles and while Trump has the funds and recognition to fight these off, most of America doesn't. The Democrats will continue to lawfare their way into tyrannical rule while its opposition party, the one who is supposed to protect the people, shrugs and changes the subject. They will effectively be the Democrat Party's lapdogs. 

If this isn't stopped, then the Democrats won't be a massive issue, they'll be the issue. They will destroy any faith in this system because there will be no faith to be had. There will be no real elections and no one will speak up for fear of being put in the DNC's crosshairs. 

America will effectively die.