Friday, July 7, 2023

Trump And The Bud Lite Set Up

Sunlit7 op

 Back in November of 2022 when Trump coined the phrase Ron DeSanctimonious Trump claimed in a recent interview it was because DeSantis, whom Trump said came weeping to him because he was going to lose his re-election, needing his endorsement, had become disloyal to Trump by choosing to run against him for the presidency. Whether DeSantis was actually weeping is anyone's best guess but the rest of Trump's story just doesn't add up. At that point in time DeSantis had just came off a successful run for re-election and hadn't made any firm commitments to run for president. There was no disloyalty at that point but tons of being sanctimonious but it wasn't coming from DeSantis obviously. If Trump was trying to accuse DeSantis as being sanctimonious it was because of DeSantis war with Disney. Money is always the biggest motivator of the majority of people's actions, this holds true over the fight with Disney, as I'll explain, and a DeSantis win would interfere with Trump's ambitious goals to get back into the white house for some more influence peddling that has seen him, his family and extended family ranking in billions of dollars from his reign as president.

Actions speak louder than words but with Trump his words speak louder than his actions or lack thereof. That's why people keep losing because they are to engulfed in his words rather than his actions/inactions. One perfect example is his claim he has a ninety some percentage rate of getting people elected. Those words sound impressive until you look at the winners and losers and find the winners really aren't that important in the overall scheme of winning an election. Like in the battleground states where his rate of endorsement wins is thirty eight percent. It was his lack of action in sharing any of the millions his words committed to those endorsed candidates that play significantly into them losing. All bark and no bite. The recent release of the what is being termed a transphobic attack on Trump of a video release by team DeSantis has a prime example of what people heard vs what he actually said and was used to defend him against the video.

The video opens with a spliced clip of then-candidate Trump at the National Republican Convention in 2016. In the DeSantis cut, the video shows Trump saying, “I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens.” But, the clip doesn’t show the entire quote or context, although the screen shows the words “ISSUE: GLOBAL TERROR.”

The video, just like CNN’s “Fine People” hoax, cut out the rest of Trump’s words: “As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.” 

Doesn't matter what was cut out of it as it pertains to American LGBTQ individuals because the layout spoke volumes of Trump playing both sides the fence. He wasn't advocating for LGBTQ rights here, only if they dared go to Iran he'd do everything in his power to try and ensure they wouldn't get thrown off a rooftop. That saves him face with the conservative base, that allowed him to play both sides the fence with his words not his actions. Both groups are left in limbo as to what his actions would actually be here. DeSantis takes a page out of the Trump playbook on how to be deceptive, for them to use that deception to defend Trump, well that would be sanctimonious.

Back in 1998 in an interview on the Roseanne Barr show Trump moved to clarify a remark he had made. He said "I am all for guys who like men but it's just not my thing. I never understood that. I think it's terrific if their into it. If I were into it I'd be into it but I like women". That's not what he thought back in 1985 when the notoriously ruthless Trump confident lawyer was diagnosis with AIDS, he laid dying a lonely death declaring Trump's abandonment of him was akin to a man who pissed ice water. That's pretty bad coming from a man often referred to as a snake, a scoundrel, and a son of a bitch himself. He taught Trump that you win at all cost. After years of walking around asking "where's my Roy Cohn" after his death, which became the title of a documentary on the two of them, was his statement on Barr's show recollections of regret towards his treatment of Cohn while he laid dying or just part of the tenure of winning at all cost. The later doesn't come with regrets, Trump's big on being a winner, given the political environment we are entrenched in that question should come with some retrospect. Who is going to be Trump's next Roy Cohn.

Last November when Trump felt threatened by DeSantis he set into motion a chain of events in my opinion to ensure he wasn't coming out the loser. He decides to hit DeSantis where he was gaining ground with millions of people who have the same sentiments about the current state of grooming children. That's why he hit him with the nickname Desanctimonious. Most people probably don't realize that prior to moving back into the CEO position of Walt Disney that Robert Iger was working as venture capitalist for Thrive. For those who don't know who is behind Thrive it would be Trump's son in law's brother, Josh Kushner. Josh Kushner, similar to Jared Kushner, has risen into being worth billions of dollars since Trump's exit from the white house. Even more so at a worth of 3.7 billion dollars and Thrive now worth 5.7 billion. It gets even more interesting, and rather ironic given the name, but Thrive has poured money into Kim Kardashians shapewear brands called Skims and the NFT focused Bored Ape Yacht Club. I don't know about others but I am starting to see dots connecting. Those dots start growing enormously. The largest employer based employee contributions to the Trump Pac's is Walt Disney. Ike Perlmutter, chairman of Marvel Comics has given ten and a half million to Trump PAC's. His wife has given twenty two million to right of center groups in 2020 cycle. They both also contributed the maximum allowed legally to Hershel Walkers campaign, congressional candidate Brady Duke, Rep Brian Mast as well as large donations to the National Republican Committee and Valor PAC. The national republican committee will also take twenty five percent of that ten and a half million given to Trump plus three percent for republican legal defense fund.

Now let's take a look at Anheuser Bush employee's donations. Stephen Schwarzman, who owns Bush Gardens, nine hundred and ninety ninety thousand four hundred dollars, the employee's political PAC to republicans two hundred thirty nine thousand five hundred dollars, democrats two hundred eighteen thousand.

You can clearly see who has the connections and motivation to crush a company to send a message what will happen to them if they decide to pour money into a DeSantis campaign. That's clearly what this is all about. It has nothing to do with who is grooming children, they don't care who is grooming children, as a matter of fact you'd fit into Trump's sanctimonious view of things because there is no regrets when it comes to being a winner. How big of a fool were people for falling for the Mulvaney charade? Well Kid Rock is still selling Bud Light and Bud Light with lime in his bar.  You can see the dots go full circle and point back to one man, Trump. People will try and explain it can't be since Trump is invested in Anheuser Bush but there's no way he's pulling in that kind of money off that investment. It's like pocket change considering the billions his family and extended family is pulling in off his presidency. DeSantis is a real threat to the Trump winning mindset. Polls has consistently shown that Biden would win over Trump, that DeSantis loses to Trump but wins against Biden, the republican party doesn't care because Trump brings in hundreds of millions of dollars into their coffers. They'll let Trump rampage and stomp out anyone who gets in their way, including your kids when it comes grooming children at an early age. The only way to stop the Trump carnage is to send a message that his antics will no longer work.

I am not advocating for a DeSantis presidency, I've already determined I am not voting in the next go around. If this ends up being what you are left with chose your children over an overblown ego. Go buy yourself some Bud light beer.

Links to information in post can be seen at the original posting here: