Sunday, July 23, 2023

The Global Fertility Industry Seeks To Erase Women From Procreation One Manufactured Egg At A Time

As scientists ramp up their fantasies about fabricated female gametes, concerns about technology outpacing our humanity should be high.

The campaign to erase women has officially escalated to leaving them out of the sacred act of reproduction.

For years, researchers, celebrities, and OB-GYNs have touted making babies outside of the bedroom as a novelty attraction available for anyone willing to pay. Millions of test tube babies and a million more frozen embryos later, the global fertility industry has found a new way to create life without a key natural component: women.

The Economist ran a series of articles in “Technology Quarterly” this month advocating for the expansion of assisted reproductive technology to in vitro gametogenesis (IVG), an experimental procedure that involves reprograming adult male stem cells to become usable eggs.

At least one of the stories acknowledges that outsourcing reproduction through existing technology like in vitro fertilization is “failing most women.” Already, countries, states, and healthcare facilities are grappling with how to handle ethical, moral, and legal crises like commercial surrogates with cancer and gay men who want taxpayers to fund the creation of motherless children.

As biotechnologists ramp up their fantasies about facilities filled with artificial wombs, dehumanizing “gene editing,” and now, fabricated female gametes, concerns about technology outpacing our humanity should be high.

The solution the British publication repeatedly prescribes to its readers, however — speeding up technical advancements to meet the rapidly growing desire of infertile or sexually incompatible adults to have children — falls prey to one of the biggest scams sold by the multi-billion dollar babymaking business.

The idea that humans can somehow circumvent their natural reproductive limits because of their desire to have children whenever they want is dangerous — it has led to the painsuffering, and death of women and unborn babies.

Yet, scientists have proved over and over and over that they will continue to pursue unethical means to justify such ends.

Of Mice And Men

Enter Dr. Katsuhiko Hayashi, a Japanese researcher who, after decades of stem cell research, recently used stem cells converted from the skin on male mice tails paired with artificial ovaries to grow oocytes ready for fertilization by another male mouse.

The products of the two male mice were then placed for gestation in surrogate female mice. Of the 630 embryos manufactured with manipulated stem cell eggs and obtained sperm, more than half a dozen baby mice were born and appeared to mature without any defects.

Instead of approaching this new IVG technology with a critical eye, media outlets everywhere praised the discovery as a step towards human same-sex reproduction. In the Economist’s recent article titled “New ways of making babies are on the horizon,” the author called Hayashi’s work one of many “feats of reproductive wizardry” and pondered how long it would take researchers to make the technology mainstream.

“Henry Greely of Stanford University, a legal scholar who specialises in the ethics of new biotech, thinks IVG may within a few decades be widely used even by those who have no fertility problems,” the article suggests. “The reasoning is that, if IVG proves capable of producing viable eggs in copious amounts, it could allow the production of a large enough number of embryos to allow screening for a wide number of genetic traits, and that could be something many parents might want.”

Hayashi admits that elevating the technology beyond rodents will take time and face ethical hurdles.

“It (will be) difficult to produce babies from male-male (human) couples because of both technical and ethical reasons,” Hayashi told eager members of the press. “But it is theoretically possible to produce babies from male-male couples, as shown in this study.”

Yet, he’s already begun working with Silicon Valley startups to potentially mainstream the technology for humans.

“I myself am gay and something I’m very personally interested in in terms of how it could allow people like me to be able to have biological children with their partners,” Matt Krisiloff, founder of fertility research company Conception, explained in a video interview with The Economist.