Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Biden Team's Idea to Stop Global Warming by Blocking the Sun's Rays Should Scare Us All

The Biden Team's Idea to Stop Global Warming by Blocking the Sun's Rays Should Scare Us All

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen a lot of bad policies from Joe Biden and his team.

We’ve seen how his policies contributed to helping drive the price of gas up as he attacked the energy industry. We’ve seen how his excessive spending contributed to the worst inflation that we’ve seen in 40 years. We saw the horrible withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American lives and more than 150 Afghan lives, with Biden leaving Americans and allies behind. I wrote on Friday about a new report from the State Department (dropped before the holiday weekend in the hopes that it wouldn’t get a lot of attention) laying out many of the bad mistakes made in that effort.

But trust Joe Biden and his team — if there’s a way to add to the bad and make things even worse, they’re going to find it. And they just might have done it with their latest idea. The potential for bad could be off the charts, even by Biden team standards. If you thought that the climate activists were already over the edge with things like attacking Monets and other famous artwork, the Biden team tops that with what they are reportedly doing: They’re offered “measured support” for a study looking into how to block the sun to prevent global warming. Seriously.

The White House report released on Friday deals with the question of solar radiation modification to rapidly cool the planet and address global warming, “but one that could have unknown side effects stemming from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, some scientists say.”

No kidding. Per the report:

A program of research into the scientific and societal implications of solar radiation modification (SRM) would enable better-informed decisions about the potential risks and benefits of SRM as a component of climate policy, alongside the foundational elements of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and adaptation. SRM offers the possibility of cooling the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years.

They did note that there weren’t currently plans underway, and the report is in response to a request from Congress, but they’re looking into it. This is at the same time that the European Union is also looking into the idea.

What could go wrong when they try to block the Sun’s rays? Heck, we only need the Sun to live; no problem there. The leftists who have been wrong about so many other things for decades when it comes to climate want to look into something that could cause grievous harm to the planet and mankind. I’m sure everything will be fine.

The 44-page document considers a few plausible ways to limit the amount of sunlight that hits Earth, all of which could have significant drawbacks. One method is to multiply the amount of aerosols in the stratosphere to reflect the sun’s rays away from the planet — a process that can occur naturally after a major volcanic eruption. Others include either increasing cloud cover over the oceans or reducing the amount of high-flying cirrus clouds, which reflect solar radiation back to Earth.

There are risks associated with each form of solar radiation modification, the report said, that can affect human health, biodiversity and geopolitics. That’s because modifying sunlight could alter global weather patterns, disrupt food supplies and lead to abrupt warming if the practice was widely deployed and then halted. It also wouldn’t address air pollution from fossil fuels or ocean acidification, a major threat to coral reefs’ ecosystems driven by the overabundance of carbon in the air and seas.

Who could be concerned about the Biden team being in charge of something like this? Imagine the harm they could commit by trying to block the sun. Didn’t we spend decades limiting aerosols because they were supposedly bad? But now Biden is looking into ideas from “The Simpsons”?