Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Team DeSantis Starting to Feel the Pressure of Unrealized Billionaire Expectations

Despite numerous pontifications to the contrary, it was always going to go this way.  Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the idiot professional political consultants, those enlisted by the Sea Island billionaires to try and drag the $100 bill on a fishing string through the MAGA hood, were only going to fool the first few blocks of voters; after that, people wised up.

The problems are too numerous to encapsulate; however, for the sake of brevity they can be argued into three main buckets: (1) Fakery – the entire dishonest operation from the outset (triggered visibly in ’21, originating back in ’18) was based on deception, astroturf and false pretenses.  (2) The candidate just isn’t that good, is inauthentic in the extreme, zero private sector understanding, and is dependent on #1.  (3) Transparently a Big Club operation, surrounded by the most expensive deceptions the GOPe can muster.

I said last summer the DeSantis campaign would collapse upon itself as sunlight poured in.  That’s exactly what has been happening.  Despite their initial trust deposits, Florida Republican voters are now a case study in ‘not going to be fooled again’.  Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them.  It doesn’t matter how good the stage presentation; the strings are visible, and continued pretending only makes it worse.

(Politico) – A top spokesperson for Ron DeSantis’ super PAC is sounding a decidedly dour note on the Florida governor’s presidential prospects, saying his campaign is facing an “uphill battle” and is trailing badly in the key nominating states.

[…] “Right now in national polling we are way behind, I’ll be the first to admit that,” [Steve] Cortes said in a Twitter spaces event that was recorded on Sunday night. “I believe in being blunt and honest. It’s an uphill battle but clearly Donald Trump is the runaway frontrunner.”

Calling the DeSantis campaign, the “clear underdog,” he added: “In the first four states which matter tremendously, polls are a lot tighter, we are still clearly down. We’re down double digits, we have work to do.”

[…] “If we do not prevail — and I have every intent on winning, I didn’t sign up for this to come in second — but if we do not prevail I will tell you this, we will make President Trump better for having this kind of primary,” Cortes said. (read more)

Given the stakes in our nation, the political challenge against Donald Trump by professional Republicans should be taken in the correct context.

We The People are being targeted, attacked, vilified and put under social and economic assault by the extremists in a corrupt U.S. government. The attack approach against us is through President Donald Trump.

This is not a time for half-measures, pale pastels, pretending and some form of eloquent pontification in some esoteric/intellectual political arena. There are two sides – those who intend to destroy our nation (globalists) and those who are fighting to defend it (nationalists).

Those GOPe candidates, like Ron DeSantis, who are aligned with the Big Club corporations, are essentially aligned against our interests. If the Republicans truly wanted to preserve, protect and defend our republic, they would not be challenging the one man who leads and stands alone against the globalist horde. It really is that simple.

Those Republicans [fill_in_blank] who stand against us now, in any forum, construct, institution or structure of visible assembly, are as much the enemy as the collective leftists who are trying to destroy Donald Trump.

I have neither pity or mercy for any of them, nor their campaigns. Let them be cast forever into the pit of irrelevance.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom – go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”

Sam Adams

NEWSWEEK – Having previously been touted as the GOP’s next presidential hopeful, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis‘ White House bid has been floundering over the past few months, with even Republican figures casting doubt on the future of his campaign.

[…] DeSantis’s unfavorable rating among potential voters has been steadily rising since late March, when he recorded a split 39.3 percent favorable rating. This includes the time after he confirmed his 2024 bid in late May in an error-strewn Twitter Space online announcement. (read more)

“It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order”… “who do not truly believe in anything new until they have had the actual experience of it.”

‒ Niccolò Machiavelli

We will win this contest, not just because we must win – but also there is no option for our children.

You have heard me say three phrases repeatedly: (1) There are trillions of dollars at stake; (2) live your best life; and (3) always trust your instincts.

The first element is the baseline.  The economics of the thing is always the structural reason for the outcome of anything and everything connected to the thing.  In simpler times we said, ‘follow the money,’ the core essence of that phrase still exists; however, in recent times the people who are controlling the outcomes have been more subversive at hiding the mechanics of their finance.

The second element is the outcome of acceptance.  No one is coming to save you, us, or anything.  We are in this battle together, a diversity of humanity that just wants to be left alone and live in freedom; but we are also in this battle alone.  No one in a position of institutional power is in alignment with our desire for freedom.  Rather than despair at the reality, embrace life and live it as fully and completely as possible – while simultaneously not giving power to the dark imaginings that facilitate the goals of those in power.  Throw sand in their machinery when possible.

The last point speaks to the inherent strength that exists within the human species.  Turn off the noise; turn away from voices that push the illusions into view, and trust your natural instincts that were provided by a loving God.  Into this concept remember there is no such thing as misinformation, disinformation or malinformation; there is only information.  That information may take the form of truth or lies. Use your God given skills to decipher the difference, and when in doubt pause and pray for assistance and clarity.

It’s going to be ugly.

It is likely to be uncomfortable.

It is certain to be intense, gritty, bloody, fierce and filled with adrenaline.

As we share in a reminder every morning, “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.” 

I can assure you of only this, if we do not stand victorious it will not be because Donald J. Trump left anything on the battlefield.

2024 is MAGA burning the ships behind us.  This one is for all the marbles. This is not a place where tepid half-measures and gentlemanly pastels will suffice.  Get right with God, put on the armor, absorb the focus of fighting like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark, and get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Our ally is anyone who stands beside us, right now. Our enemy is anyone who doesn’t.

The new sons and daughters of the revolution are going to look completely different.  The Green Dragon Tavern may be a church, a picnic table or a tailgate.  The assembly is not focused on the labels of the assembled.  We do not have time for that.  The mission is the purpose. The fight is wherever it surfaces. Delicate sensibilities must be dispatched like a feather in a hurricane.