Thursday, July 27, 2023

Schiff's 'Panic and Projection' Knows No Bounds With His New Statements About Impeachment and Censorship

Schiff's 'Panic and Projection' Knows No Bounds With His New Statements About Impeachment and Censorship

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

One of the greatest things that came out of the Republicans taking over control of the House was not just the ousting of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as the Speaker but also the ousting of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) as head of the House Intelligence Committee, and then Schiff being booted off the Committee altogether by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Here’s what McCarthy said at the time about Adam Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) being kicked off the Committee.

They will not serve on a committee that has national security implications, McCarthy said, because “integrity matters to me,” and he laid out multiple instances of falsehoods from Schiff. McCarthy said that they would not let him serve on that Committee because “Schiff has lied to the American public.” Schiff repeatedly claimed that he had evidence of Russia collusion that he never produced, thereby trying to deceive the American people. McCarthy also pointed out Schiff’s falsehood about the “whistleblower” during President Donald Trump’s first impeachment. As McCarthy explained, Schiff used the Committee not for its purpose — to defend America from foreign threats — but as an avenue to attack his political opponents.

Not only did Schiff try to mislead the American people, Schiff impeached Trump over a phone call where Trump dared to ask about Joe Biden’s corruption. Imagine the irony of that in retrospect, as we stand on the brink of an impeachment inquiry for Joe Biden based on some of that alleged corruption.

So guess what Schiff is now saying about the proposed inquiry? This may just make you laugh your head off with how this is the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to impeachment.

“The Republican desire to impeach someone — anyone, no matter whether there’s any evidence — just shows how they have, uh, descended, into…into chaos,” Schiff said, trying to spin the day’s events. The shifting eyes from Schiff are something else too.

This just takes open gall from the man who tried to deceive the public about Russia collusion and impeach Trump over a phone call. If there’s anyone who should be keeping his mouth shut about impeachments, it should be this guy. He’s upset because there is now real evidence against Biden, so he has to do all he can to downplay that evidence. And unfortunately, there’s also information that would justify opening impeachment inquiries on other Biden administration officials as well, including Attorney General Merrick Garland and Department of Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas, if Republicans want to go there.

Then Schiff also made this comment on Wednesday about “misinformation.” He was upset that YouTube had decided it was no longer going to pull videos down that might question the results of the 2020 election. Schiff was also upset that Twitter wouldn’t be going after “misinformation” as much as he would have liked.

He’s melting down because he/the Democrats no longer have the censorship control that they once had. Imagine the irony of this guy going after “misinformation” when he spread it himself. Further, the Twitter Files exposed the efforts of his staff to shut down a reporter who was tweeting reports about Schiff and his connection to that impeachment whistleblower.

Democrats want to shift the rules and downplay the evidence against Joe Biden. But unfortunately, there’s a heck of a lot of it, as opposed to the fanciful case they twisted up against Trump. That’s why Schiff seems so unhinged now, he knows the walls are all now starting to fall in on Biden and the Democrats.