Friday, July 21, 2023

Ramaswamy Leaps Ahead - Team DeSantis Reacts

Many people said it was likely to happen and indeed it has.  Vivek Ramaswamy has now overtaken Ron DeSantis to become the top loser to Donald Trump in the GOP primary race.  According to a Kaplan Strategies poll [LINK HERE] Ron DeSantis has now dropped to third place in the presidential preference polling.

KAPLAN – “Vivek Ramaswamy, biotech investor, has made significant strides in his political journey, tying with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the latest national GOP poll. Both candidates claimed the support of 12 percent of likely GOP voters, coming second to President Donald Trump, who maintains a dominant 48 percent lead.

Doug Kaplan, founder of Kaplan Strategies, the firm that conducted the poll, highlights the rising popularity of Ramaswamy in the face of nine competitors. “Ramaswamy outperformed six other hopefuls by more than double, marking a significant surprise in this poll,” Kaplan comments.

While DeSantis remains a top-tier candidate amongst non-Trump choices, he now shares this status with Ramaswamy. The reactions of these camps in the face of this new dynamic are anticipated with interest.

Despite DeSantis’ favorable rating of 59 percent amongst GOP voters, Kaplan suggests that Ramaswamy may have the potential for a higher ceiling, as he is less well-known amongst Republican voters, with a 27 percent Uncertain rate.

Meanwhile, the poll underscores the unwavering support President Trump holds within the GOP, despite the crowded field challenging him. Trump boasts a combined 69 percent favorability rating, leaving little room for uncertainty.” (MORE)

Team DeSantis Make it Official – They Will Shift Personnel, Drop Communications Director and Relaunch Entire Campaign with New Approach

It’s going to get a lot more huggy in the brand image of Team DeSantis 2.0

According to campaign officials and those inside the operations, DeSantis will stop talking about Florida, tone down the wokeism and confrontation with the alphabet people, drop the expensive platform speeches and focus on small group meetings to help the candidate learn how to like people more. In essence, stop being the DeSantis campaign.

Yup, awful huggy. Gee, who could have seen this coming?

(Via NBC) – TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign is planning a reboot, top campaign officials said, with a significant shift on messaging, events and media strategy.

Expect fewer big speeches and more handshaking in diners and churches. There will be more of a national focus than constant Florida references. And the mainstream media may start to get more access.

[…] Campaign filings show that the DeSantis campaign needs to figure out how to bring in more money and spend less. It fired roughly a dozen staffers last week. Donors and allies are pressing for a change. The poll numbers are stagnant. And rival GOP presidential candidates are smelling blood in the water.

“Downright low” is how a source who was present when the staffers were fired described morale these days. “The entire campaign is on the brink,” the person said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The reboot is notable for a candidate who was perhaps the most widely expected GOP entrant in the 2024 race.

[…] The campaign postponed paying some of its outstanding bills until after the end of June, in part so its second-quarter financial report would show more money in the bank, the sources said. It’s not an uncommon practice for campaigns running up against big reporting deadlines, but it can obscure larger issues.

Top DeSantis aides acknowledge that the money situation has to be addressed. They plan to do it in part by cutting costs for his events. DeSantis won’t travel less, but his campaign appearances will begin to be leaner and more intimate.

[…] Cody Hall is joining the campaign as a senior communications adviser. He will remain a top political adviser to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, having also served as communications director after he worked on his 2018 campaign for governor. Campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo is stepping into the communications director role, and Bryan Griffin will continue as press secretary.

The DeSantis campaign has already laid off roughly a dozen people, NBC News reported. Campaign officials said that, as of now, they don’t plan any more budget-related layoffs. (read more)

Again, it won’t work.  Everything is fake, manufactured, astroturf, based on a foundation of fraud… And, inauthentic.

The candidate sucks and the candidate’s wife is a Cindy McCain clone trying to be more like Sarah Palin.  Yup, more fakery.

The smallness of their naked ambition is as visible as the artificial nature of the pretending that began long before the “book tour.”   They are in the self-fulfilling downward spiral where every effort extended to ask people to like them only looks more pathetic and weaker.

Once they have played out the cancer card, they’re done.