Thursday, July 27, 2023

New Mexico Referring Women to Satanic Temple’s TST Health for Abortions

New Mexico Referring Women
To Satanic Temple’s TST Health For Abortions

Hannah Bleau | 26 Jul 2023

The New Mexico government is reportedly referring women seeking to terminate their pregnancies to the Satanic Temple’s TST Health, which offers an “abortion ritual,” according to the New Mexico Alliance for Life.

In a press release on Tuesday, the New Mexico Alliance for Life announced that it has discovered that the state is actively referring women to the Satanic Temple Health (TST Health) via the state’s hotline, which is funded by taxpayers. The pro-life organization discovered this through what it described as a public records inspection.

The Satanic Temple’s TST Health, described as a “collaborative of reproductive rights advocates and abortion care providers contracted and directed by The Satanic Temple to advance its Reproductive Religious Rights Campaign,” openly boasts of its goal to expand access for mothers to end the lives of their unborn children. Earlier this year, the Satanic Temple touted the creation of the “world’s first religious abortion clinic,” which includes offerings of “abortion rituals.”

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