Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Kamala Harris: The Opportunistic Queen of Disinformation

Resume-packing opportunist peddles lies about Florida's Black History curriculum for media attention

posted by Dianny at SweetMercifulZeus

Have you ever noticed that the people who shriek the loudest about disinformation are some of its most prolific purveyors?

Vice President Kamala Harris has been on a jihad against Florida's new African American History curriculum ever since some staffer brought it to her attention.

The vapid Veep falsely claims the conservative state is “gaslighting” and “whitewashing” America’s history by teaching students that slaves benefited from slavery.

As National Review writer Charles C.W. Cooke wrote last Friday about Kamala's disinformation:

This is a brazen lie. It’s an astonishing lie. It’s an evil lie. It is so untrue — so deliberately and cynically misleading — that, in a sensible political culture, Harris would be obligated to issue an apology. Instead, NBC confirms that she will repeat the lie today during a speech in Jacksonville.

To shed light on Kamala's brazen lies, Cooke includes in his column every reference to slavery, slaves, civil rights, the abolitionist movement, and African Americans found in the state’s new curriculum, and it is a long-ass list.

He notes that the item over which Kamala is shrieking like an unhinged Cassandra is but one of 191 items on teaching students about slavery and abolition. But Kamala tries to make it seem as if that is the only thing Florida teachers are permitted to say about slavery.

As Cooke said in a tweet last Friday:

I am afraid that there is simply no way of perusing this course and concluding that it “gaslights” people or whitewashes slavery. It is comprehensive and blunt. Harris is lying to a degree that is impressive even for her.

But that is precisely how this kind of disinformation works.

Some activist in the media zeroes in on one single item listed in the Florida curriculum and writes a hysterical column about it, complete with a misleading and histrionic headline.

This then gets picked up by other activists on Twitter and in the media who proceed to unquestioningly accept the original premise without doing an ounce of additional fact-checking or research.

Eager to give their boss ammunition to use against the most popular Republican governor in the country, staffers then brief Kamala on the false claim and immediately begin exploiting it as a way to elevate her public profile.

Naturally, Kamala never takes the time to research it herself because she is feckless, lazy, and stupid.

To add insult to injury, Kamala's staff then arranges for her to take a trip to Florida aboard Air Force Two where she can peddle her disinformation at taxpayer expense.

When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis obliterates Kamala over her demagoguery, the media responds with headlines like "DeSantis Under Fire for Florida's Controversial Black History Curriculum."

And the Disinformation Casserole is complete.

In a Twitter thread last week, AG Hamilton pointed out that Florida's Black History curriculum wasn’t devised by DeSantis or any other politician but by a group of African American scholars.

He adds:

The press and Harris are doing this because they think it scores points against a Governor they don't like, but they are really smearing a group that worked for months to develop a curriculum to ensure FL students are extensively taught a vital element of American history.

In short, to continue pushing the conspiracy theory that Ron DeSantis is a great, big racist, Kamala Harris is unknowingly stabbing a group of black scholars in the back.

But like much of what Kamala Harris does, this lie is getting pushback.

Dr. William Allen, one of the scholars involved in developing the curriculum told ABC News in an unaired segment of an interview that Kamala's claims are "categorically false."

Even a CNN contributor called out the vapid Veep’s dishonest demagoguery.

But see, Kamala has never been one to let the Truth get in the way of a little faux righteous indignation.

Every scholar who worked on the curriculum could show up at the Executive Office Building tomorrow and explain to this opportunistic hag why she is wrong, and still, Kamala wouldn't care.

The point isn’t to “speak truth to power” or whatever nonsense Kamala claims she is doing.

The point is to knowingly spread disinformation to turn public opinion against the one Republican presidential candidate the Biden administration fears more than Joe fears the steps to Air Force One.

Kamala Harris has always been a lying demagogue. She will never admit her mistake or offer an apology.

Do you remember Kamala’s interview with late-night host Stephen Colbert after Biden chose her as his 2020 running mate? Colbert asked Kamala how she can be pals with Biden after accusing him of being a racist. Rather than offer an intelligent response, Kamala cackled uproariously and repeatedly said, "It was a debate!"

In other words, lying and slandering your opponent to score political points is just part of the hilarious fun of running for office.

But Kamala's "It was a debate! [cackle-cackle]" response is instructive for us today because it reveals just how fake all of her righteous indignation is.

Her over-the-top outrage about Florida's school curriculum is just as phony as her over-the-top outrage about Joe Biden's opposition to busing.

In 2017, not long after Kamala first joined the Senate and started making a name for herself with her sanctimonious lectures to Trump nominees, I described her as a "resume-packing future presidential candidate." Kamala used her staged dramatics during Senate hearings to boost her public profile and get good press coverage (and sound bites) to kick-start her quest for the White House.

Six years later and nothing about Kamala Harris has changed.

Kamala doesn't give a damn about Florida's African American History curriculum. 

What she cares about is media attention. Kamala knows that latching onto this issue like a race-baiting limpet will give her the headlines and social media buzz she desperately craves.

Sure, it's vapid, cynical, and opportunistic.

But then again, so is Kamala Harris.