Sunday, July 23, 2023

Ingraham Begs President Trump to Stop Crushing Field and Give DeSantis a Chance

Before getting to the insufferable video, it’s worth remembering that Mrs. Hannity attended the late February donor retreat with “book tour” Ron DeSantis. According to Jacksonville 4 News Governor Ron DeSantis “huddled behind closed doors at a south Florida luxury hotel for a “Freedom Blueprint” retreat with more than 100 donors, elected officials and conservative influencers.”  According to the report from those present, “Laura Ingraham hosted a fireside chat with DeSantis on Sunday.” 

Also, it does not escape my recent memory how Mrs. Hannity refused to permit Devin Nunes to discuss deep state Mary McCord and her involvement in the weaponization of the DOJ against President Trump. Mrs. Hannity would not let Mr. Nunes talk about Mrs. McCord [REMINDER].

So, with that in mind, and knowing the fake news advocacy of the insufferable pundit, this advice from Mrs. Hannity to do exactly the wrong thing seems to have a rather desperate Rupert Murdoch stench to it. {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH:

[Transcript] – […] “As for President Trump, keep your eye on the prize: 270 electoral votes. Everything you say, everything you do, should be geared to winning in the states you need to win.”

“This should be a 50-state campaign for America. Attacking popular Republican governors or senators and battleground states is more than unwise. It’s self-destructive. Why do it? Voters in a general election want to vote for a winner, not a whiner. So please, for the love of God, stop talking about 2020.

That will not bring a single voter out to support you who didn’t support you before. You need to grow the pot, not shrink it. Be magnanimous and be the elder statesman that Biden is not obviously capable of. That will reassure people, and look, your policies worked before, they’re going to work again. The Democrats are banking on these trials and they’re banking on a distracted electorate to pull Biden over the finish line. Hey guys, let’s not let them get away with that.”

What an insufferable bunch of nonsense.

Mrs. Hannity is pathetic.

Fox News is dead!

No way should President Trump attend next month’s Fox News debate.