Saturday, July 29, 2023

GOPe Republican and Former CIA Operative Will Hurd Booed Off Stage in Iowa for Criticizing President Donald Trump

The professional Republican apparatus is not an ally to the Make America Great Again movement, the America First policies or President Donald Trump.

The professional Republican apparatus, which includes the RNC and Iowa RNC affiliate, are working against the interests of the working class voters; in fact, they hate us.  As a result, it does not come as a surprise to see the RNC operations rolled out in Iowa tonight in both the undermining efforts of the venue and the assistance from former CIA operative, Will Hurd.

On the surface, Will Hurd is claiming to run for the office of the President under a similar platform to allied former congresswoman Liz Cheney. However, the non-pretending version of the effort is for Will Hurd to damage President Trump as much as needed in order to remove the anti-GOPe policies Trump represents.  Hurd is likely not going to make the debate stage, so they need him to do as much damage as he can now.

At the end of Hurd’s remarks, at the Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Dinner in Des Moines, he declared Trump was running for president “to stay out of prison,” rather than to “make America great again.”   The assembled crowd booed him off stage.  WATCH

President Trump united the largest minority coalition to support the Republican Party in history.  President Trump won more black, Hispanic and minority voters than any Republican candidate in history.  Yet, Will Hurd has to manufacture lies in order to attack the MAGA movement.

“The reason Donald Trump lost the election in 2020 is he failed to grow the GOP brand in areas like women with a college degree in the suburbs, Black and Brown communities, and people under the age of 35.  One of the things we need in our elected leaders is for them to speak the truth, even if it’s unpopular. Donald Trump is not running for president to make America great again. Donald Trump is not running for president to represent the people that voted for him in 2016 and 2020. Donald Trump is running to stay out of prison.”