Saturday, July 8, 2023

Gavin Newsom on the Campaign Trail (For Biden?)

Like watching a video with the sound turned off, if you are to stand back away from the distractions of the media presentation, and just look at raw data in the form of actions being taken by those who circle the world of politics, the activity points to something disconnected from the official narrative.

All of the individual components of visible activity can be accepted as they are, or they can be interpreted into a picture of what they might be.

Examples include travel and visits by political entities, changes in the dates for the 2024 presidential primaries, assemblies of groups and supporters in specific constructs and various other indications of a duality within purpose.

Throughout our analysis of the preferred ’24 outcome by those in the background who ultimately seek to control elections through the activity of front men, those artfully skilled at presenting the illusion of choice, it has always looked like the RNC/DNC preferred presentation was a Ron DeSantis -v- Gavin Newsom (win/win) contest.

The landscape of the ’24 election would then be reduced to “social issues” as distinctions between the two faces of the contest, while the economics of things – the substantive part – carries a far lesser contrast. An almost identical replay to the attempted 2016 construct of Hillary -v- Jeb.

Much like the deceptive DeSantis book tour that was really a national campaign shift, it is into this blend of visible activity where Gavin Newsom campaigning for Joe Biden has given the outward appearance of pretending to do one thing, but the goal may really be another.

If Biden is pulled from the contest at some point in the next year, it would be of great value to have the organized alternate already well known to the public in various states.

LA Times […] Newsom, who hit the road during the Fourth of July holiday weekend, told a group of roughly 50 Democrats gathered in the backyard of a mansion overlooking the Boise foothills Saturday to make the “powerful case for why we should be passionate, enthusiastic about Biden’s reelection.”

[…] “I’m really proud of this president, and I hope you are as well,” Newsom said to a crowd happy to have one of the party’s rising stars.

Saturday’s swing through Idaho didn’t just energize Biden’s much-neglected base in such a conservative corner of the West. It helped build a future one for Newsom.

Many of the Democrats who flocked to hear Newsom speak in Idaho and at a separate fundraising event earlier that day in Bend, Ore., said they thought the 55-year-old liberal governor offered a glimpse into the future of their party, a bolder, more charismatic and younger potential heir of Biden’s legacy in the post-Trump years.

[…] Newsom says he has no interest in the White House and that his cross-country travels are to promote his party and president before the 2024 election.

But his stumping for Biden tees Newsom up nicely for other job prospects, said Rob Stutzman, a Republican consultant in California. His public feuding with Republicans fills a “void” in his party and sends a message that he’s a Democrat willing and unafraid to take on the MAGA wing of the GOP — a crusade that helps elevate Newsom’s national profile and build a database of supporters along the way.

“He’s putting in time and effort that no one else outside the White House appears to be,” Stutzman said. “He’s acting like the candidate in waiting. (more)

At the direction of the Governor Newsom coalition, California has moved their state primary up to Super Tuesday in 2024.

Coincidentally (or not), it was this state move that recently triggered a controversy within the professionally GOPe executive committee in California. The California Republicans adjusted to this primary date change with a quiet attempt to modify the Republican distribution of delegates to a proportional method – mostly benefitting the likely second place candidate, Ron DeSantis, with a significant batch of up to 55 delegates even in defeat.

If the billionaire class, who fund the two private DNC and RNC corporations, were constructing a hopeful roadmap for a Newsom -v- Desantis objective, what would they be doing differently in California?
