Monday, July 3, 2023

France Burns While Media Demand We Pretend Not to See the Origin of the “Crisis”

For years, decades even, we have watched as European cultural elites, rich white people, literally chose to accept a path to their own inevitable destruction.

Yet now, even as stores are looted, buildings that withstood World War II are destroyed, and rampant violent mayhem erupts, we are supposed to pretend this had something to do with a 17-year-old named Nahel Marzouk who was shot dead by French police for trying to use his vehicle to kill them.

Twitter account put together video from recent events in Europe, transposed with a speech given by Enoch Powell 55-years-ago, to highlight the insufferable cultural marxist pretending that is now rampant. {Direct Rumble Link}. Watch closely and see the future of the United States. WATCH:

[Full “Rivers of Blood” Speech Here – YouTube]

[FRANCE] – … “France burnt for a fifth night as rioters rampaged through major cities, torching cars and trashing buildings – prompting the drastic deployment of French special forces in an attempt to stop the mayhem from escalating. 

Up to 7,000 police were deployed into Paris overnight – joining a nationwide force of 45,000 officers – as the civil unrest deepened following the killing of Merzouk.

The worst trouble overnight on Saturday to Sunday was in Marseille, where police fired tear gas and fought street battles with youths around the city centre late into the night. A beefed-up police contingent arrested 55 people there.

In Paris, police increased security on the Champs Elysees and on the Rue de Rivoli after calls on social media to gather there.

[…] Mass police deployment has been welcomed by some frightened residents of targeted neighbourhoods and shop-owners whose stores have been ransacked – but it has further frustrated those who see police behaviour as the core of France’s current crisis.

The unrest took a toll on Macron’s diplomatic standing. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s office said Macron phoned Saturday to request a postponement of what would have been the first state visit by a French president to Germany in 23 years. Macron had been scheduled to fly to Germany on Sunday.

Hundreds of French police and firefighters have been injured in the violence that erupted after the killing, though authorities haven’t released injury tallies of protesters. 

In French Guiana, an overseas territory, a 54-year-old died after being hit by a stray bullet.

On Saturday, France’s justice minister, Dupond-Moretti, warned that young people who share calls for violence on Snapchat or other apps could face legal prosecution. Macron has blamed social media for fuelling violence.

The violence comes just over a year before Paris and other French cities are due to host Olympic athletes and millions of visitors for the summer Olympics, whose organisers were closely monitoring the situation as preparations for the competition continue. (read more)